Good day @Trading Heights .....

I am interested in the opportunity to work with you and i see alot of potential in this.I already applied through a reply in the comment section of this post but I decided to do a breakdown so you can consider my terms :

I'll work for free for the first 2 weeks, I'll be devoted to my duty amd try to do my best in carrying out my job.

After those 2 weeks are up then you can decide if my results are really worth it and then we could discuss other terms.

Money in terms of salary payment is not an issue I can accept a base salary worth less than you are willing to offer.

I'll need to give a little background talk on myself but for privacy sake I can't do that here

So this is my contact: message me on W via: +234 8149050861x (remove x at the end it's for binance moderation )

or Email via :

For better communication

Please consider my application this is my 4th year in the Crypto Space....I put effort into this .... it's currently 2.42 a.m in my country and I'm composing this application.