Set the right Trade Intention So you can make it easy to succeed!

Any intention you set will become reality,

if it's not excessive.

In trading, setting the right intention really

matters, because it shapes how you perform.

Let me give you some examples:

* Excessive Intentions *

Starting the day with the intention to absolutely crush it today. This is excessive and the market humbles you.

Start the day with the intention to not touch the market today, as you "think" it will be bad. This is excessive, so you will end up avoiding good setups that get presented.

Being on a winning streak, and thinking that it will just keep going on like this. It's excessive and the market will humble you.

* The Right Intention *

The right way to approach the market is to

keep an Open Mind and focus on the process.

🔸i intend to flow with whatever the market provides me with today.

🔸i intend to simply follow my processes and focus on my good trading habits.

🔸i intend to take my best setups and no matter the results I'll journal and learn from it.

Having intentions like this will help you avoid flawed beliefs and make you focus on the plan.

Watch the market every day with no expectations and with pure intention to just do the right things.