According to CryptoPotato, Shiba Inu investors are being targeted by scammers on Telegram who are offering fake airdrops and impersonating legitimate entities. The Shibarmy Scam Alerts, an X account dedicated to the Shiba Inu ecosystem, recently issued a warning about malicious groups on Telegram. These groups are offering fraudulent airdrops and attempting to deceive users into connecting their wallets to gain free cryptocurrency. The warning emphasized that doing so could result in the loss of wallet contents and urged the community to stay vigilant and avoid such scams.

Less than a year ago, the same X account had issued a similar alert regarding Telegram users. The team highlighted that scammers were impersonating legitimate individuals or entities within the Shiba Ecosystem & Shibarium Tech group. These bad actors were attempting to trick users into sharing personal information, financial details, or even sending money. The team advised against engaging in financial transactions with suspicious accounts and warned users never to send cryptocurrencies based on requests made in Telegram chats.

Additionally, Shibarium’s Marketing Strategist, known by the X handle LUCIE, has been issuing critical alerts to the community. Recently, they reminded the community that the TREAT token, part of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, has not been launched yet. They cautioned users to be wary of scammers who claim otherwise and offer opportunities involving the TREAT token. The community was advised to disregard such claims and stay away from any offers related to TREAT until an official announcement is made.