🚀 WeatherXM: Revolutionizing Weather Data 🌦️🌍

🚀 Let's dive into key features and potential of $WXM in this captivating thread! 🧵👇

1️⃣ Introduction: WeatherXM is a unique weather network relying on community-deployed and maintained weather stations. Participants contribute to the network’s growth and receive $WXM tokens as rewards. Deployed on Arbitrum One and EVM compatible, WeatherXM aims to be the largest, most decentralized, and most distributed weather network globally. Users access personalized weather assistance, real-time updates, forecasts, and hyperlocal insights for agriculture, energy, and more.

2️⃣ Technology: WeatherXM stations support Web3 technologies, combining IoT devices with blockchain networks like Helium and Filecoin for data storage and sharing. The network uses secure elements in weather stations to provide cryptographic proofs of collected data, stored on the Filecoin decentralized storage network. The ecosystem is governed by a smart contract, an ERC20 token, rewarding station owners for high-quality data contributions. The WeatherXM M5 bundle, Helium station, D1 bundle, and Pulse bundle are easy-to-deploy, energy-autonomous devices.

3️⃣ Whitepaper Analysis: The whitepaper outlines the network’s vision, tokenomics, and governance mechanisms. WeatherXM’s PoL (Proof-of-Location) is not considered in beta rewards calculations. Transparency and trust are emphasized through verifiable reward distribution and data quality assessment.

4️⃣ Use Case: WeatherXM provides accurate weather services to Web3 enterprises and traditional markets. Participants operate low-cost, low-maintenance stations and receive $WXM tokens as rewards for data contributions. $WXM tokens are essential for licensing weather data for commercial use and participating in network governance.

5️⃣ Team and Leadership: WeatherXM AG, a core contributor, recently closed a $7.7 million Series A round led by Lightspeed Faction. Manolis Nikiforakis, CEO and Co-Founder, aims to make WeatherXM the largest weather station network globally by 2025. The team has successfully deployed over 5,000 stations in 80 countries, surpassing government-funded agencies.

6️⃣ Partnerships: WeatherXM recently closed a $7.7 million Series A round led by Lightspeed Faction, with participation from Protocol Labs, Borderless Capital, Arca, Alumni Ventures, and other investors. These partnerships demonstrate strong support for WeatherXM’s mission to build the largest decentralized weather network globally.

7️⃣ Security and Audits: WeatherXM prioritizes data integrity and security. Each weather station includes a secure element that provides cryptographic proofs of collected data. Data is stored on the Filecoin decentralized storage network, ensuring tamper-proof records. While specific audits are not mentioned, the project emphasizes transparency and trust in reward distribution and data quality assessment.

8️⃣ Tokenomics: The $WXM token, issued by the WeatherXM Network Association, governs the ecosystem and licenses weather data for commercial use. Station owners receive $WXM as rewards for providing high-quality weather data. $WXM is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain with a capped total supply of 100 million tokens. Distribution occurs gradually over a 10-year period, with 70% allocated to station rewards, ecosystem development, and liquidity support, and 30% reserved for early project supporters.

9️⃣ Exchanges: $WXM is tradable on several exchanges, including Gate.io, MEXC, BitMart, Uniswap v3, and Orca. These listings enhance liquidity and accessibility for users and investors interested in participating in the WeatherXM ecosystem.

🔟 Recent Developments: WeatherXM’s Series A funding round marks a significant milestone, enabling growth and continued research in crypto-enabled weather hardware and decentralized infrastructure. The $WXM token’s listing on exchanges further strengthens its position in the market, allowing users to trade and participate in the network.

1️⃣1️⃣ Conclusion: WeatherXM aims to revolutionize weather data through blockchain technology, community-driven weather stations, and a native token. Its commitment to accuracy, transparency, and global expansion positions it as a promising project in the Web3 landscape.

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