❓How I Converted $400 To $8000+ Within a Month.

😍 This is one of my favourite Binance Memories.

December last year, before the start of Bull Market, I deposited around 400 USDT into my Futures Account and within a Month I converted it to 8000+ USDT.

🤔 What did I do?

1) Don't Try To Short: As we were in the pure bull market so I decided to follow the trend and never opened any short even why I was 99% sure about the setup. I was just looking to long every dip with 5-10X Leverage.

2) Don't Wait For The Target: There are so many traders who round trip their profit because they wait for the profit target price. I was just looking to compound my gains, which you can also notice in the screenshot. Compound gain is far better than regretting about not taking profit.

3) Leverage Doesn't Matter: It doesn't matter if you use 5X, 50X, or 100X Leverage. Always calculate the position size before opening any position and increase or decrease size depending on your setup. If you are very sure about your setup, you can increase your position size and if setup isn't looking good, keep your position size low and add to in if you get a dip.

Apart from all these, you can also follow what works for you and wait for the next bull market because trading is much easier in the bull market compared to the current condition.

💯 Converting small balance to a big balance is possible in bull market and you can do it to. You just need to keep your risk limited and keep compounding gains.
