🚨 Market Insights: Liquidity and Altcoins

📉 Market liquidity has remained almost unchanged over the past three years.

📊 However, the altcoins count in 2021 was ~50 times lower than it is now.

➜ In 2021, liquidity was sufficient to cover almost the entire market.

➜ By 2024, there will likely only be enough liquidity to cover a third of the market.

💡 Recommendations:

- Audit your portfolio and get rid of any coins you're unsure about.

- Strong projects will start growing faster than others, offering the potential for guaranteed significant profits.

- The winning coins will take the bulk of the liquidity and will be pumped stronger.

- Outsider coins will see weak or no growth.

🔍 Market Analysis:

- Combining market width with liquidity, we get this ⇩

- Looking at a live example.... When we examine Cryptobubbles for the year, we see very few real winners.

- Some green coins show minimal growth upon closer inspection.

- Most of these real winners are meaningless, liquidity-sucking meme coins.

😡 Conclusion:

- Memes will always be in this cycle, it's already "built" into this cycle.

- Only a market relaunch would probably eliminate 99.9% of them.
