There’s no such thing as ''boring price action''. Instead, it’s sideways price action, which means opportunity. A market that doesn't give you a break doesn't give you a chance to prepare for the next move. That's why you should take advantage of these moments to:

- Analyze everything more in-depth

- Find new opportunities

- Position yourself correctly, with invalidations and targets

- Enjoy your real life (the one outside of the charts)

If the market isn't moving and you find yourself bored, follow this mental process:

1. Have I checked everything I wanted to check to have a basis for decision-making? Yes

2. Am I positioned according to the analysis? Yes

3. Have I defined my invalidations and targets? Yes

4. Have I set alerts? Yes

If one of the answers is no, then do it. If all answers are yes, then... why am I bored? Am I spending too much time and energy on something that is now out of my control? Placing too much importance on the outcome, which partially depends on the quality of our analysis but ultimately remains uncertain and up to the market, means we are relying on external factors for our well-being and happiness.

Therefore, feeling bored when the market isn’t moving is signaling a problem, something to correct. It’s a wake-up call to restructure your priorities and start enjoying your life more.