
In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency, the security and ease of use of wallets are paramount. AirGap Wallet has emerged as a notable player, offering unique features that cater to both novice and experienced crypto enthusiasts. This review delves into the wallet, exploring its features, security measures, usability, and how it stacks up against the competition.

What is AirGap Wallet?

AirGap Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet designed to provide enhanced security through its two-device approach, creating a physical air gap between the online and offline environments. This method significantly reduces the risk of hacking and unauthorized access, making it a robust choice for storing digital assets.

Why Choose AirGap Wallet?

Choosing Air Gap Wallet means prioritizing security without sacrificing convenience. Its innovative approach ensures that private keys are never exposed to the internet, providing a high level of protection against online threats. Additionally, its user-friendly interface and extensive support for various cryptocurrencies make it an attractive option for a wide range of users.

AirGap Wallet Team & History

Launched in 2017, Air Gap crypto wallet was developed by, a company based in Switzerland known for its focus on security and privacy solutions. The team behind AirGap comprises experts in blockchain technology, cybersecurity, and software development. Their collective expertise has resulted in a product that emphasizes both security and usability.

LinkedIn Key Features of AirGap Wallet

Air Gap Wallet is designed with the user in mind, ensuring a seamless experience for both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency users. Here, we will look at the key features of the wallet:

User-Friendly Design and Functionality

Air Gap Wallet’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, catering to users of all experience levels. Here’s a closer look at the user-friendly design and functionality:

  • Simple Onboarding Process: The wallet provides a step-by-step guide to help users set up their wallets quickly. This includes generating a seed phrase, installing the necessary applications, and linking the devices.

  • Clear Instructions: Each step of the process, from installation to transaction execution, is accompanied by clear and concise instructions. This reduces the likelihood of user errors and enhances the overall user experience.

  • Visual Guidance: The use of visual aids, such as diagrams and QR codes, simplifies complex processes like linking the AirGap Vault and AirGap Wallet. This visual guidance is particularly beneficial for users who are not tech-savvy.

  • Comprehensive Help Resources: AirGap provides extensive help resources, including FAQs, user guides, and tutorials. These resources are easily accessible from within the app, offering quick solutions to common issues.

  • Responsive Support: In addition to the built-in help resources, AirGap offers responsive customer support. Users can reach out for assistance via email or through the community forums, ensuring that help is always available when needed.

Detailed Product Specifications

Air Gap crypto wallet boasts a range of features that enhance its functionality and security. Below are the detailed product specifications:

  • Platform Compatibility: iOS, Android

  • Supported Cryptocurrencies: *BTC*, *ETH*, and many others

  • Security Features: Air-gapped two-device setup, open-source code, reproducible builds

  • Backup Options: Seed phrase, paper backup

  • Connectivity: QR code-based communication

These features collectively make Air Gap Wallet a highly secure and user-friendly option for managing and storing cryptocurrencies. The wallet’s design ensures that even those new to the world of crypto can navigate and utilize it with ease, while its advanced security measures provide peace of mind for experienced users handling substantial digital assets.

Security Aspects of AirGap Wallet

AirGap Wallet is renowned for its robust security measures, ensuring the safety and integrity of users’ digital assets. Its unique approach to wallet security sets it apart from traditional crypto wallets. Here’s an in-depth look at the security aspects of AirGap Wallet:

Privacy & Security Measures

The AirGap Vault app is installed on an offline device, which is never connected to the internet. This device securely stores the private keys and is used solely for signing transactions. The Air Gap Wallet app is installed on an online device, which handles transaction management and interacts with the blockchain network. The separation between the two devices ensures that private keys are never exposed to potential online threats.

By keeping private keys on an offline device, Air Gap crypto wallet effectively isolates them from online threats such as hacking, malware, and phishing attacks. This air gap creates a secure environment that significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

Transactions are signed offline on the AirGap Vault and then transferred to the Air Gap crypto wallet using QR codes. This method of communication eliminates the need for electronic connections like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, further enhancing security by preventing any direct access to the offline device.

Potential Risks

While the air-gapped setup protects against online threats, users must ensure the physical security of the offline device. Loss, theft, or damage to the offline device could compromise the security of the stored assets. To mitigate this risk, it is crucial to keep the offline device in a secure location and limit access to trusted individuals only.

Code Openness & Reproducibility

AirGap Wallet is open-source, allowing the community to inspect the code for vulnerabilities. Its reproducible builds ensure that the app users download is identical to the source code, eliminating the risk of tampering.

Seed Generation, Backup, and Storage

Air Gap Wallet uses industry-standard methods for seed generation, ensuring randomness and security. Users are provided with a 12 or 24-word seed phrase during setup, which must be securely backed up and stored offline.

How AirGap Wallet Works

Air Gap crypto wallet operates on a unique dual-device setup, maximizing security and usability by separating the storage of private keys and the transaction execution processes. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of how the AirGap Wallet works:

Buying, Selling, and Swapping Cryptocurrencies

AirGap makes it easy for users to manage their cryptocurrencies, including buying, selling, and swapping a variety of digital assets. The process is seamless and secure, leveraging the air-gapped dual-device setup:

1. Initiating a Transaction

  • Users can buy supported cryptocurrencies directly within the Air Gap Wallet app by selecting the desired asset and entering the purchase details.

  • To sell cryptocurrencies, users choose the asset they want to sell, specify the amount, and enter the recipient address for the funds.

  • For swapping one cryptocurrency for another, users select the two assets involved, enter the swap amount, and review the exchange rate.

2. Signing the Transaction

  • Once the transaction details are entered in the AirGap Wallet app (online device), the app generates a QR code containing the transaction information.

  • The user then scans this QR code with the AirGap Vault app (offline device). The Vault app securely signs the transaction using the private key stored offline.

3. Broadcasting the Transaction

  • After signing the transaction, the AirGap Vault app generates a QR code with the signed transaction.

  • The user scans this QR code with the Air Gap crypto wallet app to transfer the signed transaction back to the online device.

  • Finally, the wallet app broadcasts the signed transaction to the blockchain network for processing.

This process ensures that private keys are never exposed to the internet, providing a highly secure method for managing cryptocurrency transactions.

Setting Up the AirGap Wallet

Setting up the Air Gap Wallet involves several straightforward steps to ensure both the AirGap Vault and AirGap Wallet apps are correctly installed and paired:

  • Download AirGap Vault and AirGap Wallet Apps: Available on iOS and Android.

  • Install on Separate Devices: Install AirGap Vault on a device that will remain offline and Air Gap crypto wallet on an online device.

  • Generate Seed Phrase: Follow the prompts to generate and securely back up the seed phrase.

  • Pair the Devices: Use QR codes to link the AirGap Vault and AirGap Wallet.

Using AirGap Wallet App and Hardware

The AirGap Vault app serves as the offline storage for private keys and signing transactions, while the Air Gap Wallet app manages the public keys and interacts with the blockchain network. This dual-device setup provides a robust security framework, ensuring that private keys remain secure while allowing users to manage their cryptocurrency assets conveniently.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

AirGap Wallet supports a broad range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tezos (XTZ), Tether (USDT), and various ERC-20 tokens. This extensive support ensures that users can manage multiple types of digital assets within a single, secure platform. 

Air Gap crypto wallet continuously updates its list of supported cryptocurrencies to include new and emerging assets. This dynamic support ensures that users can manage a wide range of digital currencies as the cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves.

Design & Hardware

The design and hardware of AirGap Wallet are pivotal elements that contribute to its overall security and user experience. The AirGap Wallet’s unique approach, utilizing both software and hardware components, ensures that users can manage their cryptocurrencies in a secure and efficient manner. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the design and hardware aspects of AirGap Wallet:

Build Quality & Durability

Air Gap crypto wallet, being software-based, relies on the quality of the devices it is installed on. Using reliable and durable hardware ensures long-term usability. The AirGap Vault is typically installed on a secondary device, such as an old smartphone or tablet. This device is not physically provided by AirGap but relies on the hardware of the chosen device.

Users are encouraged to select a device with solid construction to ensure durability. Devices with robust build quality can withstand wear and tear, ensuring the longevity of the AirGap Vault setup. The offline device should be one that can be securely stored and accessed only by authorized individuals. A durable and reliable device minimizes the risk of physical damage or malfunction, which could compromise security.

Display Features

The apps are designed with clear and user-friendly interfaces, providing all necessary information at a glance, such as balances, transaction history, and QR codes for transactions:

  • Both the AirGap Wallet and AirGap Vault apps are designed with user-friendly interfaces. The apps feature clear, high-resolution displays that make it easy to view and interact with the wallet’s functions.

  • Large, legible fonts and intuitive icons guide users through various processes, from setting up the wallet to managing transactions.

  • The display plays a crucial role in the QR code-based communication between the AirGap Vault and AirGap Wallet. High-quality displays ensure that QR codes are rendered accurately and are easy to scan.

  • The display must provide sufficient brightness and contrast to make QR codes easily readable under various lighting conditions.

Connectivity Options

AirGap Wallet uses QR codes for communication between the Vault and Wallet apps, ensuring no direct connection (like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) is required, maintaining the air gap:

  • Air-Gapped Communication: The primary connectivity method between the AirGap Vault and Air Gap Wallet is through QR codes. This air-gapped approach ensures that no electronic communication methods (such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or USB) are required, reducing the risk of digital attacks.

  • Offline Functionality: The AirGap Vault operates entirely offline, eliminating any potential threat from internet-based attacks. The offline device does not need any network connectivity, further enhancing security.

Interface & Ease of Use

Both apps are designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making them accessible to users of all experience levels. The interface is straightforward, guiding users through each step of the process, from setup to executing transactions. Clear instructions and prompts are provided throughout the apps, minimizing the learning curve for new users.

During the initial setup, the apps provide step-by-step instructions for generating and backing up the seed phrase, linking the devices, and performing transactions. The transaction process is designed to be simple: users initiate transactions on the Air Gap Wallet app, scan QR codes to sign with the AirGap Vault app, and then broadcast the transaction.

User Experience with AirGap Wallet App and Hardware

The design and hardware aspects of Air Gap crypto wallet are meticulously crafted to ensure security, durability, and ease of use. The use of an air-gapped dual-device setup, combined with intuitive interfaces and robust construction, provides users with a highly secure and user-friendly solution for managing their cryptocurrency assets:

  • Seamless Interaction: The interaction between the AirGap Wallet and Vault apps is seamless, ensuring a smooth user experience. QR code scanning is quick and efficient, making the process of signing and broadcasting transactions hassle-free.

  • Reliable Performance: The apps are optimized for performance, ensuring that users can manage their cryptocurrency assets without experiencing lags or crashes. The reliable performance of both apps contributes to a positive user experience.

  • Customizable Settings: Users can customize various settings within the apps to suit their preferences. For example, users can adjust security settings, notification preferences, and display options to enhance their experience.

Compatibility & Connectivity

The AirGap Wallet and Vault apps are compatible with both iOS and Android devices, ensuring a wide range of device support. This compatibility allows users to choose their preferred platform for managing their cryptocurrencies.

Pairing the Air Gap Wallet and Vault apps is straightforward, using QR codes to establish a secure connection between the two devices. This process ensures that the devices are correctly linked for secure transaction signing and broadcasting.

What If I Lose the AirGap Wallet Device?

The seed phrase generated during the initial setup serves as a crucial backup for the wallet. If the Air Gap crypto wallet device is lost or damaged, users can use the seed phrase to restore their wallet on a new device.

To recover the wallet, users install the AirGap Wallet app on a new device and select the option to restore an existing wallet. By entering the seed phrase, users can regain access to their cryptocurrency assets.

It is vital to store the seed phrase in a secure location, such as a fireproof and waterproof safe, to ensure it is protected from physical threats. Users should avoid storing the seed phrase digitally to prevent exposure to cyber threats.

AirGap Wallet Price

Air Gap Wallet itself is free to download and use. However, users need to have two compatible devices, which may involve additional costs if purchasing new hardware.

AirGap Website Customer Reviews and Feedback

The AirGap Wallet reviews are generally positive thanks to its security features and ease of use. Users appreciate the peace of mind provided by the air-gapped setup and the comprehensive support for multiple cryptocurrencies. The wallet app has a user rating of 4.1 out of 5.0 on Google Play Store and 3.7 out of 5.0 on Apple App Store.

Warranty and Support

While AirGap Wallet is a software solution and does not come with a traditional warranty, the development team provides regular updates and robust customer support to address any issues.

Comparing AirGap Wallet with Alternatives

When choosing a cryptocurrency wallet, it’s essential to compare various options to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a detailed comparison of AirGap Wallet with some of its notable competitors: Ledger Nano X, Trezor Model T, and MetaMask.

AirGap Wallet Competitors

  • Ledger Nano X: A hardware wallet known for its extensive security features and support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

  • Trezor Model T: Another popular hardware wallet with a touchscreen interface and strong security measures.

  • MetaMask: A software wallet with browser integration, offering convenience but lacking the air-gapped security of AirGap Wallet.

Who Is This Wallet For?

Air Gap Wallet stands out for its unparalleled security measures, user-friendly design, and support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies. It is particularly well-suited for those who prioritize the security of their digital assets and are willing to manage a dual-device setup. Both beginners and experienced users can benefit from the clear instructions, intuitive interface, and advanced security features. 

Conclusion: Is AirGap Wallet Right for You?

AirGap offers an excellent balance of security and usability. Its two-device approach ensures private keys are never exposed to the internet, providing peace of mind for users concerned about online threats. If you value robust security measures and are comfortable managing two devices, Air Gap crypto wallet is a compelling choice. It provides a high level of protection and ease of use, making it a compelling choice for cryptocurrency management.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Coins Are Supported by AirGap Wallet?

AirGap Wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tezos, and various ERC-20 tokens.

What Happens If AirGap Goes Out of Business?

As an open-source project, the community can continue maintaining the code even if the original developers cease operations.

What Are The Disadvantages of AirGap Wallet?

The primary disadvantage is the need to manage two devices, which may be inconvenient for some users. Additionally, physical security of the offline device is crucial.

Is AirGap Wallet A Hot Or Cold Wallet?

AirGap Wallet employs a hybrid approach, with the Vault app acting as a cold wallet and the Wallet app functioning as a hot wallet.

Why You Can Trust Our Review?

Our AirGap Wallet review is based on thorough research, including firsthand experience with the wallet, user feedback, and analysis of the features and security measures. We aim to provide an unbiased and comprehensive overview to help you make an informed decision.