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Most of the coins might have found a local deep, according to CoinMarketCap.

Top coins by CoinMarketCapADA/USD

The rate of Cardano (ADA) has risen by 4.19% over the last day.

Image by TradingView

On the daily chart, the price of ADA is about to break the resistance level of $0.4027. 


If it happens and the bar closes above it with no long wick, the upward move may continue to the $0.42 zone soon.

ADA is trading at $0.3988 at press time.


Binance Coin (BNB) is less of a gainer than ADA, going up by 0.44%.

Image by TradingView

Despite today's slight rise, the rate of BNB has not accumulated enough energy for a further move. Buyers may start thinking about midterm growth only if they get back to the vital zone of $600. Until that happens, sellers' pressure remains relevant.

BNB is trading at $577 at press time.