Let's Learn About Lista slisBNB šŸ’ø

šŸ‘‰ $LISTA Staked BNB (slisBNB) is a yield bearing and liquid staking token for Synclub Which appreciates against BNB in line with BNB staking APR.

šŸ‘‰ Unlike traditional staking slisBNB allows users to earn additional yields on different DeFi platforms while earning staking rewards passively providing greater flexibility and liquidity .

šŸ‘‰ It allows users to earn additional yields on different DeFi platforms while earning staking rewards passively .

šŸ‘‰ Users can stake thier lisUSD on ListaDAO to accrue lisUSD rewards provide liquidity for slisBNB and lisUSD in various liquidity pools to earn trading and LP fees.
