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جد اول مره الاقي اشي صادق وكثير سهل وهو لازم اسمه الكسب البسيط ادخل ع هالموقع وسجل واربح كل يوم 1.5 والحد الادنى للسحب هو 8$ 🙂🤤🎁🎁$BTC $BNB #HotTrends $ETH #Bitcoin(BTC) #pinetworknews رابط الموقع 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
جد اول مره الاقي اشي صادق وكثير سهل وهو لازم اسمه الكسب البسيط ادخل ع هالموقع وسجل واربح كل يوم 1.5 والحد الادنى للسحب هو 8$ 🙂🤤🎁🎁$BTC $BNB #HotTrends $ETH #Bitcoin(BTC) #pinetworknews

رابط الموقع 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
📱 تخيل أنك تفقد عملات البيتكوين الخاصة بك بسبب اختراق محفظة ذات أمان منخفض. 🛡️ ✨الصبر هو المفتاح حيث يعمل فريق Pi Core بجد لضمان أمان شبكة Pi. شبكة Pi هي شيء كبير. 📱 تخيل أنك تفقد عملات البيتكوين الخاصة بك بسبب اختراق محفظة ذات أمان منخفض. 🛡️ ولهذا السبب يعد "اعرف عميلك" أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لسلامتنا. دعونا نثق في العملية! هل أنت مستعد لتغيير مصيرك المالي؟؟ انضم إلى 55 مليون مستخدم لنظام مالي جديد ومشرق ✨هل أنت مستعد للتحرر من قيود الخدمات المصرفية التقليدية؟ انضم إلى Pi Network وكن جزءًا من الثورة اللامركزية! اربح العملات المشفرة بينما تمهد الطريق نحو مستقبل أكثر شمولاً من الناحية المالية. 🚀 إذا كنت مهتمًا، فانقر على الرابط المحدد واستخدم رمز الإحالة الخاص بي والذي سيمنحك عملة One Pi. باي هي عملة رقمية جديدة تم تطويرها من قبل حملة الدكتوراه في جامعة ستانفورد، وتضم أكثر من 55 مليون عضو. للمشاركة معنا على Pi، اختر هذا الرابط واستخدم اسم المستخدم الخاص بي Coins500 منذ متى وانت تقوم بتعدين وكم عدد عملاتك ؟ 🧐 #HotTr #pinetworknews #PiNetwork. #BOME #BNBChain

📱 تخيل أنك تفقد عملات البيتكوين الخاصة بك بسبب اختراق محفظة ذات أمان منخفض. 🛡️

✨الصبر هو المفتاح حيث يعمل فريق Pi Core بجد لضمان أمان شبكة Pi. شبكة Pi هي شيء كبير. 📱 تخيل أنك تفقد عملات البيتكوين الخاصة بك بسبب اختراق محفظة ذات أمان منخفض. 🛡️ ولهذا السبب يعد "اعرف عميلك" أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لسلامتنا. دعونا نثق في العملية!
هل أنت مستعد لتغيير مصيرك المالي؟؟ انضم إلى 55 مليون مستخدم لنظام مالي جديد ومشرق
✨هل أنت مستعد للتحرر من قيود الخدمات المصرفية التقليدية؟ انضم إلى Pi Network وكن جزءًا من الثورة اللامركزية! اربح العملات المشفرة بينما تمهد الطريق نحو مستقبل أكثر شمولاً من الناحية المالية. 🚀

إذا كنت مهتمًا، فانقر على الرابط المحدد واستخدم رمز الإحالة الخاص بي والذي سيمنحك عملة One Pi.
باي هي عملة رقمية جديدة تم تطويرها من قبل حملة الدكتوراه في جامعة ستانفورد، وتضم أكثر من 55 مليون عضو.
للمشاركة معنا على Pi، اختر هذا الرابط واستخدم اسم المستخدم الخاص بي Coins500
منذ متى وانت تقوم بتعدين وكم عدد عملاتك ؟ 🧐

#HotTr #pinetworknews #PiNetwork. #BOME #BNBChain
سيندم كثيرآ من لم يحصل عليها فى 2024 رغم انها مجانًا عملة اثرياء المستقبل؟؟ في مشهد العملات الرقمية المتطور باستمرار، برزت Pi Network Coin كمنافس واعد. تم إطلاق Pi Network برؤية تجعل تعدين العملات المشفرة في متناول الجميع، وقد حظيت باهتمام كبير نظرًا لنهجها الفريد وواجهتها سهلة الاستخدام. وباعتبارها عملة رقمية لا مركزية، تعمل Pi Network Coin على blockchain مؤمنة بواسطة شبكة من المستخدمين بدلاً من الاعتماد على السلطات المركزية، مما يجعلها بعيدة عن الأنظمة المالية التقليدية. نظرة عامة على عملة Pi Network في عام 2024 مع دخولنا عام 2024، عززت Pi Network Coin مكانتها في سوق العملات المشفرة. ومع تزايد قاعدة المستخدمين والاعتماد المتزايد، أظهرت Pi Network مرونة وإمكانات لمزيد من التوسع. علاوة على ذلك، اكتسبت Pi Network Coin شهرة بسبب نهجها المرتكز على المجتمع، مما عزز الشعور بالشمولية والتعاون بين المستخدمين. الإنجازات والمعالم في عام 2024 أثبت عام 2024 أنه فترة محورية بالنسبة لـ Pi Network Coin، حيث تميز بإنجازات ومعالم مهمة. بناءً على الأساس الذي تم وضعه في السنوات السابقة، قدمت Pi Network العديد من التحديثات والتحسينات الجديرة بالملاحظة على منصتها. وشملت هذه التحسينات على خوارزمية التعدين، وميزات الأمان المحسنة، وإدخال وظائف المرافق الجديدة لـ Pi Network Coin. التحديثات والتطورات لعام 2025 وبالتطلع إلى عام 2025، تستعد Pi Network Coin للنمو المستمر والابتكار. ومن خلال خريطة طريق واضحة تحدد التطورات والمبادرات القادمة، تهدف Pi Network إلى زيادة تعزيز نظامها البيئي وتعزيز وجودها في سوق العملات المشفرة. من المتوقع ألا تجتذب هذه التطورات مستخدمين جدد فحسب، بل ستعزز أيضًا فائدة وقيمة Pi Network Coin. وفقًا لتوقعات أسعار Pi Network ، من المتوقع أن يتم تداول PI ضمن نطاق سعري يتراوح بين 42.07 دولارًا و199.15 دولارًا في العام المقبل. سترتفع Pi Network بنسبة 397.98% وتصل إلى 199.15 دولارًا إذا وصلت إلى القيمة الأعلى المستهدفة لعام 2025. ومن يعتبرها احتيال انت لن تخسر شئ التعدين مجانى وكل ٢٤ ساعة لو صدقت فأنت الفائز وقد تصبح مليونير ولعلها سبب من الله . إذا كنت مهتمًا، فانقر على الرابط المحدد واستخدم رمز الإحالة الخاص بي الذي سيمنحك عملة One Pi. Pi هي عملة رقمية جديدة تم تطويرها من قبل حملة الدكتوراه في جامعة ستانفورد، وتضم أكثر من 55 مليون عضو . للمشاركة معنا في باي ، إختر هذا الرابط وإستخدم إسم المستخدم الخاص بي Coins500 #HotTrends #pinetworknews #PiNetwork. #TrendingTopic: : $SOL $BTC $BNB

سيندم كثيرآ من لم يحصل عليها فى 2024 رغم انها مجانًا عملة اثرياء المستقبل؟؟

في مشهد العملات الرقمية المتطور باستمرار، برزت Pi Network Coin كمنافس واعد. تم إطلاق Pi Network برؤية تجعل تعدين العملات المشفرة في متناول الجميع، وقد حظيت باهتمام كبير نظرًا لنهجها الفريد وواجهتها سهلة الاستخدام. وباعتبارها عملة رقمية لا مركزية، تعمل Pi Network Coin على blockchain مؤمنة بواسطة شبكة من المستخدمين بدلاً من الاعتماد على السلطات المركزية، مما يجعلها بعيدة عن الأنظمة المالية التقليدية.
نظرة عامة على عملة Pi Network في عام 2024
مع دخولنا عام 2024، عززت Pi Network Coin مكانتها في سوق العملات المشفرة. ومع تزايد قاعدة المستخدمين والاعتماد المتزايد، أظهرت Pi Network مرونة وإمكانات لمزيد من التوسع. علاوة على ذلك، اكتسبت Pi Network Coin شهرة بسبب نهجها المرتكز على المجتمع، مما عزز الشعور بالشمولية والتعاون بين المستخدمين.
الإنجازات والمعالم في عام 2024
أثبت عام 2024 أنه فترة محورية بالنسبة لـ Pi Network Coin، حيث تميز بإنجازات ومعالم مهمة. بناءً على الأساس الذي تم وضعه في السنوات السابقة، قدمت Pi Network العديد من التحديثات والتحسينات الجديرة بالملاحظة على منصتها. وشملت هذه التحسينات على خوارزمية التعدين، وميزات الأمان المحسنة، وإدخال وظائف المرافق الجديدة لـ Pi Network Coin.
التحديثات والتطورات لعام 2025
وبالتطلع إلى عام 2025، تستعد Pi Network Coin للنمو المستمر والابتكار. ومن خلال خريطة طريق واضحة تحدد التطورات والمبادرات القادمة، تهدف Pi Network إلى زيادة تعزيز نظامها البيئي وتعزيز وجودها في سوق العملات المشفرة. من المتوقع ألا تجتذب هذه التطورات مستخدمين جدد فحسب، بل ستعزز أيضًا فائدة وقيمة Pi Network Coin.
وفقًا لتوقعات أسعار Pi Network ، من المتوقع أن يتم تداول PI ضمن نطاق سعري يتراوح بين 42.07 دولارًا و199.15 دولارًا في العام المقبل. سترتفع Pi Network بنسبة 397.98% وتصل إلى 199.15 دولارًا إذا وصلت إلى القيمة الأعلى المستهدفة لعام 2025.
ومن يعتبرها احتيال انت لن تخسر شئ التعدين مجانى وكل ٢٤ ساعة لو صدقت فأنت الفائز وقد تصبح مليونير ولعلها سبب من الله .
إذا كنت مهتمًا، فانقر على الرابط المحدد واستخدم رمز الإحالة الخاص بي الذي سيمنحك عملة One Pi.
Pi هي عملة رقمية جديدة تم تطويرها من قبل حملة الدكتوراه في جامعة ستانفورد، وتضم أكثر من 55 مليون عضو
. للمشاركة معنا في باي ، إختر هذا الرابط وإستخدم إسم المستخدم الخاص بي Coins500

#HotTrends #pinetworknews #PiNetwork.
Pi Network - A Dream of Digital EraPi Network - A Dream of Digital Era Download link I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Khubaib607) as your invitation code. The Pi Network coin was introduced on March 14 2020 but at initial stage public was not interested in mining coins on their mobile and were afraid of stealing their data, bank account and social account details. However, today the price (which is not verified) $33.84 has increased interest of public and attracted many people who hated it and used various words for the project. Yesterday, my cousin called me and asked about my progress on Pi platform, it made me amazed that why is he asking about Pi Network once he refused to mine and labelled it as a scam. Indeed, Pi Network is not a scam at all and the core team dedicatedly working on this amazing project of future digital world where everyone would have digital currency in their mobile and they will be able to buy whatever they would like to have which has value. The Pi Network Core team is concerned about the utility of the coin which is very critical for its stability and existence in the market otherwise the coin will loose its real value. You may start mining by downloading app on Google Play Store or Apple Store. If you are interested so click at the given link and use my referal code that will give you $33.84 or One Pi coin. Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (MDTalha100) as your invitation code. I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Khubaib607) as your invitation code. #pinetworkupdates #pinetworknews #TrendingTopic

Pi Network - A Dream of Digital Era

Pi Network - A Dream of Digital Era
Download link
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Khubaib607) as your invitation code.
The Pi Network coin was introduced on March 14 2020 but at initial stage public was not interested in mining coins on their mobile and were afraid of stealing their data, bank account and social account details.
However, today the price (which is not verified) $33.84 has increased interest of public and attracted many people who hated it and used various words for the project. Yesterday, my cousin called me and asked about my progress on Pi platform, it made me amazed that why is he asking about Pi Network once he refused to mine and labelled it as a scam.
Indeed, Pi Network is not a scam at all and the core team dedicatedly working on this amazing project of future digital world where everyone would have digital currency in their mobile and they will be able to buy whatever they would like to have which has value.
The Pi Network Core team is concerned about the utility of the coin which is very critical for its stability and existence in the market otherwise the coin will loose its real value.
You may start mining by downloading app on Google Play Store or Apple Store. If you are interested so click at the given link and use my referal code that will give you $33.84 or One Pi coin.
Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (MDTalha100) as your invitation code.
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Khubaib607) as your invitation code.

Did you Missed Etherium $ETH No worry's , LITHER COIN $LTH got you covered , Never try to miss LITHER LTH again. it's expected that LITHER COIN LTH is going to reflect the price of ETHERIUM Soon the mining rate is going to halve to 0.005 when 1M coins get mined. The Circulating supply of this coin is very low, for the fact that currently there are more than 400K LTH coins have been mined already . the mining rate is going to halve soon when the Circulating supply reaches 1M LTH coins. Imagine if you happen to hold atleast 10 LTH coins ! Hey! I am mining Lither coins! You can also mine Lither coins daily from this web app: Use below referral code to get assured Airdrop! Referral Code: iddyally #SHIB: #pinetworknews #BullorBear #etherium #Bullrun2024_2025
Did you Missed Etherium $ETH No worry's , LITHER COIN $LTH got you covered ,
Never try to miss LITHER LTH again. it's expected that LITHER COIN LTH is going to reflect the price of ETHERIUM
Soon the mining rate is going to halve to 0.005 when 1M coins get mined.

The Circulating supply of this coin is very low, for the fact that currently there are more than 400K LTH coins have been mined already . the mining rate is going to halve soon when the Circulating supply reaches 1M LTH coins.
Imagine if you happen to hold atleast 10 LTH coins !

I am mining Lither coins!
You can also mine Lither coins daily from this web app:

Use below referral code to get assured Airdrop!

Referral Code: iddyally

🚨 Big news🚨 💸💸💸Earn 10dollar per second💸💸💸 💥Earning one dollar per second is not feasible through legitimate means🔥. Many online opportunities 💻claiming such high returns are often scams or unrealistic. It's crucial to research thoroughly before investing time or money., 🤑 Instead, consider legitimate avenues such as selling digital products, freelancing, participating in surveys, or creating content for monetization. While these options require effort and time, they offer realistic income opportunities.🤑 🤔Remember to be realistic, ethical, and cautious in your pursuit of online earnings. #bainance #BTC #Portal #DOGE #pinetworknews
🚨 Big news🚨
💸💸💸Earn 10dollar per second💸💸💸
💥Earning one dollar per second is not feasible through legitimate means🔥.
Many online opportunities 💻claiming such high returns are often scams or unrealistic. It's crucial to research thoroughly before investing time or money., 🤑
Instead, consider legitimate avenues such as selling digital products,
participating in surveys,
or creating content for monetization.
While these options require effort and time, they offer realistic income opportunities.🤑 🤔Remember to be realistic, ethical, and cautious in your pursuit of online earnings.
#bainance #BTC #Portal #DOGE #pinetworknews
Are you ready to change your financial destiny? It's time to be bold and join the revolutionary movement in the crypto world by stepping into the realm of Pi Network! This is your golden opportunity to carve your name in crypto history, to take over the market with your courage and vision. Stepping into the Future: The upcoming Pi Network Open Mainnet in 2024 marks the beginning of a new era in the crypto world. Currently, we are witnessing a major shift in the global financial paradigm, and Pi Network is at the forefront of this revolution. With the strongest crypto community backing it, Pi Network is poised to bring a more inclusive and equitable financial future. #HotTrends  #PiNetwok  #pinetworknews  #pinetworkupdates
Are you ready to change your financial destiny? It's time to be bold and join the revolutionary movement in the crypto world by stepping into the realm of Pi Network! This is your golden opportunity to carve your name in crypto history, to take over the market with your courage and vision.

Stepping into the Future:
The upcoming Pi Network Open Mainnet in 2024 marks the beginning of a new era in the crypto world. Currently, we are witnessing a major shift in the global financial paradigm, and Pi Network is at the forefront of this revolution. With the strongest crypto community backing it, Pi Network is poised to bring a more inclusive and equitable financial future.

#HotTrends  #PiNetwok  #pinetworknews  #pinetworkupdates
Faiza Khan
Complementary reward upto 3USDT🎁🎁💰

Claim reward here🎁🎁💰
PI NETWORK TESTNET2 | EXCITING UPDATE 🚨🚨 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚨🚨 🍀🍀 Pi Testnet2 is now live on the Pi Blockchain explorer, marking a crucial milestone for Pi Network. This new testnet is designed to test the network switching mechanism that enables nodes to move from Testnet to Mainnet seamlessly. 🚀🚀 This capability ensures that both the Node app and backend systems can operate across both blockchains, paving the way for a smooth transition toward Mainnet. 🔑🔑 This is a critical phase in Pi Network’s strategy, enabling final testing before full deployment to guarantee consistency and reliability in blockchain functions. ⛓️‍💥⛓️‍💥 Nodes will be essential in verifying transactions and upholding the network's security as the Mainnet launch nears.


🍀🍀 Pi Testnet2 is now live on the Pi Blockchain explorer, marking a crucial milestone for Pi Network. This new testnet is designed to test the network switching mechanism that enables nodes to move from Testnet to Mainnet seamlessly.
🚀🚀 This capability ensures that both the Node app and backend systems can operate across both blockchains, paving the way for a smooth transition toward Mainnet.
🔑🔑 This is a critical phase in Pi Network’s strategy, enabling final testing before full deployment to guarantee consistency and reliability in blockchain functions.
⛓️‍💥⛓️‍💥 Nodes will be essential in verifying transactions and upholding the network's security as the Mainnet launch nears.
# 🚨 Exciting News for PI Users: Major Announcement Coming! 🔍✨The PI community is abuzz with anticipation for a groundbreaking announcement that you won't want to miss. Rumors are flying, and while details remain under wraps, the excitement is palpable. ## The Mystery Unfolds... 🕵️‍♂️🔍 The countdown has begun! This isn’t just another update; insiders describe it as a "game-changer" and "the moment PI users have been waiting for." Speculation is rampant—could it be a revolutionary feature, a strategic partnership, or a major upgrade? Whatever it is, it promises to transform the PI experience. ## Why Now? Timing Is Key ⏳🧩 The timing of this announcement is intriguing. Recent tech developments suggest that PI is poised for a significant move. Experts believe this could be part of a broader strategy to elevate PI's market position and distinguish it from competitors. The secrecy surrounding the reveal only heightens the urgency. ## Clues and Speculations: What’s in Store? 🧐💡 Eagle-eyed users have spotted subtle changes on the platform—small tweaks that hint at something bigger. Cryptic messages from the development team suggest a "transformational" shift. Could this mean a new user interface or enhanced functionality? While nothing is confirmed, it’s clear that this will be more than a minor update. ## The Big Reveal Is Coming! 📅⏳ The date is set, and the PI community is eagerly awaiting what’s next. Will it be a new ecosystem, a revolutionary tool, or a surprise collaboration? The suspense is building, and answers are just around the corner. Stay tuned and keep an eye on official channels—the biggest announcement in PI history is almost here! 🥳🚀 #PiNetworkMainnet #pinetworkupdates #pinetworknews #BinanceBlockchainWeek

# 🚨 Exciting News for PI Users: Major Announcement Coming! 🔍✨

The PI community is abuzz with anticipation for a groundbreaking announcement that you won't want to miss. Rumors are flying, and while details remain under wraps, the excitement is palpable.
## The Mystery Unfolds... 🕵️‍♂️🔍
The countdown has begun! This isn’t just another update; insiders describe it as a "game-changer" and "the moment PI users have been waiting for." Speculation is rampant—could it be a revolutionary feature, a strategic partnership, or a major upgrade? Whatever it is, it promises to transform the PI experience.
## Why Now? Timing Is Key ⏳🧩
The timing of this announcement is intriguing. Recent tech developments suggest that PI is poised for a significant move. Experts believe this could be part of a broader strategy to elevate PI's market position and distinguish it from competitors. The secrecy surrounding the reveal only heightens the urgency.
## Clues and Speculations: What’s in Store? 🧐💡
Eagle-eyed users have spotted subtle changes on the platform—small tweaks that hint at something bigger. Cryptic messages from the development team suggest a "transformational" shift. Could this mean a new user interface or enhanced functionality? While nothing is confirmed, it’s clear that this will be more than a minor update.
## The Big Reveal Is Coming! 📅⏳
The date is set, and the PI community is eagerly awaiting what’s next. Will it be a new ecosystem, a revolutionary tool, or a surprise collaboration? The suspense is building, and answers are just around the corner.
Stay tuned and keep an eye on official channels—the biggest announcement in PI history is almost here! 🥳🚀

#PiNetworkMainnet #pinetworkupdates #pinetworknews #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Pi Network Deals with Delays and Community Sentiment Until Late 2024The cryptocurrency landscape is ever-evolving, and few projects have garnered as much attention – and controversy – as Pi Network. Designed to make cryptocurrency mining accessible via smartphones, Pi Network has amassed millions of users worldwide. However, recent developments have sparked both optimism and concern within its community. Shifting Timelines In a move that surprised many, Pi Network recently announced extensions to two critical deadlines. The Know-Your-Customer (KYC) verification process, originally slated to conclude on September 30, 2024, will now continue until November 30. Similarly, the mainnet migration deadline has been pushed to December 31, 2024. These delays have elicited mixed reactions from the Pi community. While some view the extensions as necessary for a smoother transition, others interpret them as potential red flags. The project's ability to meet these new deadlines will likely be a crucial factor in maintaining user trust. Progress Amid Skepticism Despite the setbacks, Pi Network has made notable strides. Over 13 million users have completed their KYC verification, with 6 million successfully migrating to the mainnet. These figures suggest a strong core of committed users, even as skepticism grows among others. The introduction of an NFT Pool by PiBridge, a decentralized finance platform bridging Pi Network with other blockchains, has added a new dimension to the ecosystem. This development offers users additional ways to engage with their Pi tokens, potentially increasing the network's utility and appeal. Community Engagement and Future Plans In an effort to address community concerns and share updates, Pi Network hosted a podcast in late August. The event featured prominent figures in the Pi ecosystem, including PiBridge CEO Victor Nguyen and Pi Revolution founder Woody Lightyear. A key takeaway from the podcast was the announcement of an open roadmap, scheduled for release in December 2024. This roadmap is expected to outline the path towards enabling open trading of Pi tokens – a crucial milestone for the project's mainstream adoption. Looking Ahead As 2024 draws to a close, the Pi Network community finds itself at a crossroads. The extended deadlines have tested the patience of some users, while others remain steadfast in their support. The success of the project may hinge on its ability to deliver on its promises within the new timeframes. The cryptocurrency world will be watching closely as Pi Network navigates these challenges. Will the project overcome its hurdles and emerge as a revolutionary force in mobile cryptocurrency mining? Or will it struggle to meet expectations? As with any innovative technology, only time will tell. For now, Pi Network continues to be a subject of fascination, hope, and debate in the ever-changing world of digital currencies. #PiNetworkMainnet #PiNetwok #pinetworknews #PiNetworkkyc #pinetworkupdates

Pi Network Deals with Delays and Community Sentiment Until Late 2024

The cryptocurrency landscape is ever-evolving, and few projects have garnered as much attention – and controversy – as Pi Network. Designed to make cryptocurrency mining accessible via smartphones, Pi Network has amassed millions of users worldwide. However, recent developments have sparked both optimism and concern within its community.
Shifting Timelines
In a move that surprised many, Pi Network recently announced extensions to two critical deadlines. The Know-Your-Customer (KYC) verification process, originally slated to conclude on September 30, 2024, will now continue until November 30. Similarly, the mainnet migration deadline has been pushed to December 31, 2024.
These delays have elicited mixed reactions from the Pi community. While some view the extensions as necessary for a smoother transition, others interpret them as potential red flags. The project's ability to meet these new deadlines will likely be a crucial factor in maintaining user trust.
Progress Amid Skepticism
Despite the setbacks, Pi Network has made notable strides. Over 13 million users have completed their KYC verification, with 6 million successfully migrating to the mainnet. These figures suggest a strong core of committed users, even as skepticism grows among others.
The introduction of an NFT Pool by PiBridge, a decentralized finance platform bridging Pi Network with other blockchains, has added a new dimension to the ecosystem. This development offers users additional ways to engage with their Pi tokens, potentially increasing the network's utility and appeal.
Community Engagement and Future Plans
In an effort to address community concerns and share updates, Pi Network hosted a podcast in late August. The event featured prominent figures in the Pi ecosystem, including PiBridge CEO Victor Nguyen and Pi Revolution founder Woody Lightyear.
A key takeaway from the podcast was the announcement of an open roadmap, scheduled for release in December 2024. This roadmap is expected to outline the path towards enabling open trading of Pi tokens – a crucial milestone for the project's mainstream adoption.
Looking Ahead
As 2024 draws to a close, the Pi Network community finds itself at a crossroads. The extended deadlines have tested the patience of some users, while others remain steadfast in their support. The success of the project may hinge on its ability to deliver on its promises within the new timeframes.
The cryptocurrency world will be watching closely as Pi Network navigates these challenges. Will the project overcome its hurdles and emerge as a revolutionary force in mobile cryptocurrency mining? Or will it struggle to meet expectations?
As with any innovative technology, only time will tell. For now, Pi Network continues to be a subject of fascination, hope, and debate in the ever-changing world of digital currencies.
#PiNetworkMainnet #PiNetwok #pinetworknews #PiNetworkkyc #pinetworkupdates
Do you still maintain the GCV viewpoint#pinews Pi is not a commodity like BTC AND ALL COINS SHOULD HAVE GCV STANDARD VALUE 314159$So when the mainnet opens GCV will definitely be applied to Transactions Do you still maintain the GCV viewpoint?#pinetworknews

Do you still maintain the GCV viewpoint

#pinews Pi is not a commodity like BTC AND ALL COINS SHOULD HAVE GCV STANDARD VALUE 314159$So when the mainnet opens GCV will definitely be applied to Transactions Do you still maintain the GCV viewpoint?#pinetworknews
Vous avez 100 $ ?, Cela Pourrait Représenter 100 000 $ en un MoisPrêt à voir comment ? Alors lisez ceci (supprimer dans 2jours) 🧵 Trump remporte la victoire et tout le marché s'effondre. Les memecoins sont les seuls à offrir facilement ces gains de 10x, 100x. Si vous n'avez pas de manuel pour ce supercycle des memecoins, vous êtes sur le point d'être laissé pour compte Je vous facilite la tâche — voici le manuel de jeu : - Les règles que je suis pour rester rentable - Ma méthode pour trouver des pièces qui se multiplient par 100 du jour au lendemain Continuez à lire (vous me remercierez plus tard) 👇 1/ Préparation mentale Oubliez les valorisations traditionnelles : les memecoins sont dans un monde à part. Cet espace fonctionne uniquement sur les vibrations, la spéculation et le battage médiatique. La question n'est pas de savoir ce que cela « vaut », mais qui il va attirer. Demandez-vous : ce mème pourrait-il atteindre 100 millions de dollars en deux semaines ? Qui va vibrer avec lui, s'énerver ou se sentir inspiré ? C'est là que réside la véritable valeur. 2/ Gestion des risques Déterminez à l’avance le montant que vous êtes prêt à risquer et divisez ce total en 15 parties pour prévoir une marge d’erreur. Encaissez régulièrement des bénéfices. Atteindre un 2-3x deux fois s’avère souvent plus facile et plus sûr qu’attendre un seul 6x. Une fois votre investissement initial couvert, vous pouvez conserver un « sac de lune » pour des gains potentiels à long terme. 3/ La chasse aux idées J'ai trois sources de référence pour de nouvelles idées : ➢ Les données sur la chaîne pour repérer les premières dynamiques ➢ Les tendances sur les agrégateurs DEX pour voir ce qui se passe ➢ Les appels sur TG et Twitter : il y a toujours des trésors si vous savez où chercher Analyse des données en chaîne C'est ma principale source pour repérer l'alpha de manière précoce. Commencez par un agrégateur DEX comme @dexscreener ou @gmgnai. Je recherche des pics de volume, des achats soudains ou des changements de liquidité, les mouvements qui montrent qu'une cryptomonnaie a les yeux rivés sur elle avant que le battage médiatique ne commence. Trouvez des portefeuilles intelligents ➢ Commencez avec un jeton qui a fait de gros chiffres au cours des dernières 24 heures ➢ Consultez l'onglet Top Traders ➢ Concentrez-vous sur les portefeuilles qui génèrent des bénéfices importants Étudiez leurs mouvements : quand ils ont acheté, leur investissement initial et comment ils ont réalisé des bénéfices. C'est là que vous repérez les modèles des portefeuilles qui savent clairement ce qu'ils font Suivi des portefeuilles Appuyez sur @CieloFinance ou @StepFinance_ et commencez à creuser : ➢ Fréquence de leurs achats ➢ Autres pièces qu'ils détiennent ➢ Connexions à d'autres portefeuilles Analysez 10 à 20 de ces portefeuilles et vous aurez une liste de surveillance remplie de véritables moteurs alpha. Tendances des agrégateurs DEX C'est simple, nous recherchons : ➢ Des lancements récents uniquement ➢ Une capitalisation boursière inférieure à 50 M$ (à partir de 1 M$ avec au moins 50 000 $ de liquidité) ➢ Un volume qui devient fou par rapport à la capitalisation boursière Des memecoins qui cochent ces cases ? Oui, ce sont les vrais jeux 10x, 100x La communauté est le carburant qui permet à un mème de décoller. Avant de vous moquer de lui, consultez Twitter, Telegram, Discord. Si vous voyez que la communauté s'active, qu'elle publie des mèmes sans arrêt et que tout le monde est surexcité, c'est votre feu vert. $BTC $SOL #Binance #MarketDownturn #PiNetworkMainnet #pinetworknews #pour-nous-tous Suivez-moi @Square-Creator-yacouba-di

Vous avez 100 $ ?, Cela Pourrait Représenter 100 000 $ en un Mois

Prêt à voir comment ?
Alors lisez ceci (supprimer dans 2jours) 🧵

Trump remporte la victoire et tout le marché s'effondre.
Les memecoins sont les seuls à offrir facilement ces gains de 10x, 100x.
Si vous n'avez pas de manuel pour ce supercycle des memecoins, vous êtes sur le point d'être laissé pour compte

Je vous facilite la tâche — voici le manuel de jeu :
- Les règles que je suis pour rester rentable
- Ma méthode pour trouver des pièces qui se multiplient par 100 du jour au lendemain
Continuez à lire (vous me remercierez plus tard) 👇

1/ Préparation mentale
Oubliez les valorisations traditionnelles : les memecoins sont dans un monde à part.
Cet espace fonctionne uniquement sur les vibrations, la spéculation et le battage médiatique.
La question n'est pas de savoir ce que cela « vaut », mais qui il va attirer. Demandez-vous : ce mème pourrait-il atteindre 100 millions de dollars en deux semaines ? Qui va vibrer avec lui, s'énerver ou se sentir inspiré ?
C'est là que réside la véritable valeur.
2/ Gestion des risques
Déterminez à l’avance le montant que vous êtes prêt à risquer et divisez ce total en 15 parties pour prévoir une marge d’erreur.
Encaissez régulièrement des bénéfices. Atteindre un 2-3x deux fois s’avère souvent plus facile et plus sûr qu’attendre un seul 6x. Une fois votre investissement initial couvert, vous pouvez conserver un « sac de lune » pour des gains potentiels à long terme.
3/ La chasse aux idées
J'ai trois sources de référence pour de nouvelles idées :
➢ Les données sur la chaîne pour repérer les premières dynamiques
➢ Les tendances sur les agrégateurs DEX pour voir ce qui se passe
➢ Les appels sur TG et Twitter : il y a toujours des trésors si vous savez où chercher
Analyse des données en chaîne
C'est ma principale source pour repérer l'alpha de manière précoce.
Commencez par un agrégateur DEX comme @dexscreener ou @gmgnai. Je recherche des pics de volume, des achats soudains ou des changements de liquidité, les mouvements qui montrent qu'une cryptomonnaie a les yeux rivés sur elle avant que le battage médiatique ne commence.
Trouvez des portefeuilles intelligents
➢ Commencez avec un jeton qui a fait de gros chiffres au cours des dernières 24 heures
➢ Consultez l'onglet Top Traders
➢ Concentrez-vous sur les portefeuilles qui génèrent des bénéfices importants
Étudiez leurs mouvements : quand ils ont acheté, leur investissement initial et comment ils ont réalisé des bénéfices. C'est là que vous repérez les modèles des portefeuilles qui savent clairement ce qu'ils font
Suivi des portefeuilles
Appuyez sur @CieloFinance ou @StepFinance_ et commencez à creuser :
➢ Fréquence de leurs achats
➢ Autres pièces qu'ils détiennent
➢ Connexions à d'autres portefeuilles
Analysez 10 à 20 de ces portefeuilles et vous aurez une liste de surveillance remplie de véritables moteurs alpha.
Tendances des agrégateurs DEX
C'est simple, nous recherchons :
➢ Des lancements récents uniquement
➢ Une capitalisation boursière inférieure à 50 M$ (à partir de 1 M$ avec au moins 50 000 $ de liquidité)
➢ Un volume qui devient fou par rapport à la capitalisation boursière
Des memecoins qui cochent ces cases ? Oui, ce sont les vrais jeux 10x, 100x
La communauté est le carburant qui permet à un mème de décoller.
Avant de vous moquer de lui, consultez Twitter, Telegram, Discord.
Si vous voyez que la communauté s'active, qu'elle publie des mèmes sans arrêt et que tout le monde est surexcité, c'est votre feu vert.
#Binance #MarketDownturn #PiNetworkMainnet #pinetworknews #pour-nous-tous
Is Pi Coin a Scam or Legitimate?The rise of cryptocurrencies has given birth to a plethora of projects, each with its own claims and promises. One such project is Pi Network, which has garnered significant attention since its launch. However, the question remains: is Pi Coin a scam or a legitimate cryptocurrency? What is Pi Network? Pi Network was launched in 2019 by a team of Stanford graduates, aiming to create a user-friendly cryptocurrency that allows everyday users to mine coins on their mobile devices without draining battery life. The network’s premise is built on accessibility, allowing anyone with a smartphone to participate in the mining process. How Does It Work? Users can earn Pi by simply logging into the app daily and pressing a button to initiate mining. The project emphasizes community engagement and user growth, rather than traditional mining methods that require powerful hardware. As users invite others, the network grows, theoretically increasing the value of the Pi Coin. The Legitimacy Debate Pros: 1. User Growth: Pi Network claims to have millions of users worldwide, which indicates a strong interest in the project. 2. Accessibility: Its mobile mining feature lowers barriers to entry, making cryptocurrency accessible to a broader audience. 3. Community Focus: The project fosters community engagement, allowing users to vote on governance matters, which could enhance user loyalty. Cons: 1. No Market Value: As of now, Pi Coin is not traded on major exchanges, and its value remains speculative. Critics argue that without a market, it is difficult to ascertain its legitimacy. 2. Centralization Concerns: The project has faced criticism regarding its centralized nature. Many skeptics question how decentralized it can be if it is controlled by a core team. 3. Transparency Issues: Some users express concern over the lack of transparency regarding the project’s roadmap and how user data is utilized. 4. Pyramid Scheme Allegations: Critics have likened Pi Network to a pyramid scheme, as user growth is heavily reliant on inviting others to join the platform. Conclusion Determining whether Pi Coin is a scam or legitimate is complex. While it has garnered a large user base and offers an accessible entry into cryptocurrency, significant concerns regarding its market viability, transparency, and centralization persist. As with any investment, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, assess the risks involved, and remain cautious. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, so too will the narrative around Pi Network. Only time will tell if it will emerge as a legitimate player in the crypto space or fade into obscurity. #pinetworknews #Write2Earn!

Is Pi Coin a Scam or Legitimate?

The rise of cryptocurrencies has given birth to a plethora of projects, each with its own claims and promises. One such project is Pi Network, which has garnered significant attention since its launch. However, the question remains: is Pi Coin a scam or a legitimate cryptocurrency?
What is Pi Network?
Pi Network was launched in 2019 by a team of Stanford graduates, aiming to create a user-friendly cryptocurrency that allows everyday users to mine coins on their mobile devices without draining battery life. The network’s premise is built on accessibility, allowing anyone with a smartphone to participate in the mining process.
How Does It Work?
Users can earn Pi by simply logging into the app daily and pressing a button to initiate mining. The project emphasizes community engagement and user growth, rather than traditional mining methods that require powerful hardware. As users invite others, the network grows, theoretically increasing the value of the Pi Coin.
The Legitimacy Debate
1. User Growth: Pi Network claims to have millions of users worldwide, which indicates a strong interest in the project.

2. Accessibility: Its mobile mining feature lowers barriers to entry, making cryptocurrency accessible to a broader audience.
3. Community Focus: The project fosters community engagement, allowing users to vote on governance matters, which could enhance user loyalty.
1. No Market Value: As of now, Pi Coin is not traded on major exchanges, and its value remains speculative. Critics argue that without a market, it is difficult to ascertain its legitimacy.
2. Centralization Concerns: The project has faced criticism regarding its centralized nature. Many skeptics question how decentralized it can be if it is controlled by a core team.
3. Transparency Issues: Some users express concern over the lack of transparency regarding the project’s roadmap and how user data is utilized.
4. Pyramid Scheme Allegations: Critics have likened Pi Network to a pyramid scheme, as user growth is heavily reliant on inviting others to join the platform.
Determining whether Pi Coin is a scam or legitimate is complex. While it has garnered a large user base and offers an accessible entry into cryptocurrency, significant concerns regarding its market viability, transparency, and centralization persist.
As with any investment, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, assess the risks involved, and remain cautious. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, so too will the narrative around Pi Network. Only time will tell if it will emerge as a legitimate player in the crypto space or fade into obscurity.
#pinetworknews #Write2Earn!