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45 Discussing
GT I told you. stable. determined. Congratulations to those who collected it in their portfolio. 20,89$#GT
GT I told you. stable. determined. Congratulations to those who collected it in their portfolio. 20,89$#GT
GT When I said it was $16.25. It's now $19.80. Investing followers continue to earn. Congratulations🙏 🚀🚀🚀
Разблокировка монет которые были куплены инвесторами на ранней стадии задолго до листингов на биржи. Начнётся уже на этой неделе. Первичные инвесторы за свой вклад в проект получают определенное количество монет которые не имеют возможности продать до определенного момента. Подходящий момент получить прибыль на ростущем рынке будет у следующих инвесторов. Будьте осторожны с набором позиций в данных монетах. #avax #alt #gt #id #pyth
Разблокировка монет которые были куплены инвесторами на ранней стадии задолго до листингов на биржи. Начнётся уже на этой неделе. Первичные инвесторы за свой вклад в проект получают определенное количество монет которые не имеют возможности продать до определенного момента. Подходящий момент получить прибыль на ростущем рынке будет у следующих инвесторов. Будьте осторожны с набором позиций в данных монетах. #avax #alt #gt #id #pyth
Nucleus dark web marketplace Bitcoin wallets reactivated after nine years- Bitcoin wallets associated with Nucleus Marketplace, an earlier known darknet marketplace for trading drugs, have been used for transactions after almost nine years of redundancy. - According to Arkham Intelligence, on 7 March 2025, the wallets received $77.5 million in Bitcoin and transferred this amount to three new addresses. This is the first time since the platform suddenly vanished in April 2016 that funds have been moved. - Nucleus Marketplace was an online marketplace active from 2014 to 2016 that used Bitcoin to sell various prohibited products, such as drugs and other products. It abruptly vanished in rather murky circumstances, which ignited discussions of an exit scam or a hack. - Before it disappeared, it was said to hold more than 5,000 BTC, valued at over $2.25 million at that time. As such, these remaining funds are estimated to be worth $365 million due to the appreciation of Bitcoin. - According to the blockchain explorers, some of the addresses involved in the transactions include 1GGe3, which was last active in April 2016. The three new wallets this money is being sent to are “bc1qm8,” “bc1qm0,” and “bc1qsh.” - The activation of this wallet has raised issues regarding the individuals behind it, as well as the motive for those operations. The individuals can be the original admins, police, hackers or anyone else who could have access to the private keys. - Some have joked that the funds might be going to the newly launched strategic Bitcoin reserve in the United States. In the new executive order, Bitcoin received from criminal activities will be used in the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. However, the nature or purpose of the transactions is still unknown. One user on X noted, “Right.. Just before the Summit.” - In the ongoing White House crypto summit, President Trump has echoed dissatisfaction with the government’s approach to Bitcoin. He stated, “From this day on, America will follow the rule that every Bitcoin [holder] knows very well. Never sell your Bitcoin. “ - Nucleus Marketplace’s return may lead to revived legal claims related to its operations and thus may trigger additional investigations. If recognized as proceeds of crime, law enforcement agencies may attempt to seize and recover the assets. - $BTC

Nucleus dark web marketplace Bitcoin wallets reactivated after nine years

Bitcoin wallets associated with Nucleus Marketplace, an earlier known darknet marketplace for trading drugs, have been used for transactions after almost nine years of redundancy.
According to Arkham Intelligence, on 7 March 2025, the wallets received $77.5 million in Bitcoin and transferred this amount to three new addresses. This is the first time since the platform suddenly vanished in April 2016 that funds have been moved.
Nucleus Marketplace was an online marketplace active from 2014 to 2016 that used Bitcoin to sell various prohibited products, such as drugs and other products. It abruptly vanished in rather murky circumstances, which ignited discussions of an exit scam or a hack.
Before it disappeared, it was said to hold more than 5,000 BTC, valued at over $2.25 million at that time. As such, these remaining funds are estimated to be worth $365 million due to the appreciation of Bitcoin.
According to the blockchain explorers, some of the addresses involved in the transactions include 1GGe3, which was last active in April 2016. The three new wallets this money is being sent to are “bc1qm8,” “bc1qm0,” and “bc1qsh.”
The activation of this wallet has raised issues regarding the individuals behind it, as well as the motive for those operations. The individuals can be the original admins, police, hackers or anyone else who could have access to the private keys.
Some have joked that the funds might be going to the newly launched strategic Bitcoin reserve in the United States. In the new executive order, Bitcoin received from criminal activities will be used in the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. However, the nature or purpose of the transactions is still unknown. One user on X noted, “Right.. Just before the Summit.”
In the ongoing White House crypto summit, President Trump has echoed dissatisfaction with the government’s approach to Bitcoin. He stated, “From this day on, America will follow the rule that every Bitcoin [holder] knows very well. Never sell your Bitcoin. “
Nucleus Marketplace’s return may lead to revived legal claims related to its operations and thus may trigger additional investigations. If recognized as proceeds of crime, law enforcement agencies may attempt to seize and recover the assets.
03月08日加密货币市场交易分析报告2025年03月08日加密货币市场交易分析报告 ​​【宏观市场背景】​ 今日加密货币市场延续了近期政策预期主导的波动格局。原定于3月8日凌晨的白宫加密峰会因议程调整延期,导致市场对短期监管松绑的乐观情绪降温,比特币(BTC)在89,000-93,000美元区间震荡,以太坊(ETH)则围绕2,200美元关键位盘整。尽管特朗普政府近期释放了“加密货币战略储备”等政策信号,但峰会的延期加剧了投资者对政策落地的观望情绪,市场整体呈现“买预期,卖事实”的特征。 👉 ​数据验证:操作前请务必通过buyx.ink核对实时信号,市场波动剧烈时需每小时更新策略。 (本文分析综合自市场公开数据及政策动态,不构成投资建议,数字货币交易风险极高,请谨慎决策。) ​​【推荐买入币种分析】​🔥 ​**#GT (GateToken)​** ​逻辑:GateChain生态近期升级,链上交易量显著提升,叠加交易所平台币在低流动性市场中的防御属性,GT当前价格处于周线支撑位,技术面存在超跌反弹需求。 ​风险:需警惕交易所整体流量下滑对平台币的连带影响。 ​**#DGB(DigiByte)​** ​逻辑:DGB作为老牌公链,近期宣布与去中心化存储项目合作,技术面在日线级别形成底背离信号,短期或迎资金回补。 ​**#NFT(APENFT)​** ​逻辑:NFT市场交易量连续两周回升,APENFT作为头部NFT平台代币,近期推出艺术家合作计划,项目基本面改善支撑反弹预期。 ​**#COOKIE(Cookie Finance)​** ​逻辑:DeFi协议Cookie宣布集成Layer2解决方案,TVL(总锁仓量)周增幅达15%,技术面突破小时级别下降趋势线,短期动能较强。 ​​【建议卖出币种分析】​⚠️ ​**#ADA (Cardano)​** 逻辑:尽管ADA被纳入特朗普提及的“战略储备币种”,但其生态进展缓慢,链上活跃地址数连续三周下滑,技术面跌破2.0美元关键支撑位,抛压加剧。 ​**#BCH(Bitcoin Cash)​** ​逻辑:BCH受比特币分叉币整体流动性萎缩影响,日线级别形成“头肩顶”形态,下方支撑位480美元若失守可能引发进一步下跌。 ​**#ETC (Ethereum Classic)​** ​逻辑:以太坊升级延期削弱了ETC的“替代链”叙事,矿工抛售压力增加,日线RSI指标显示超买修正需求。 ​其他风险币种(#pi 、#SATS等)​ ​逻辑:社区驱动型代币(如PI、SATS)在流动性紧缩环境下首当其冲,且部分项目(如#DRIFT、#VANA)面临解锁抛压或协议漏洞风险。 ​​【关键风险提示】​ ​政策不确定性:白宫加密峰会延期后,需密切关注特朗普团队对“加密货币储备”政策的具体表述,若细节不及预期,市场可能快速反转。 ​技术面压力:比特币若未能站稳93,000美元,可能触发30分钟级别“画门行情”(急跌3,000点),进而拖累山寨币。 ​流动性陷阱:周末市场流动性通常较低,交易所可能借机拉爆高杠杆合约仓位,建议杠杆倍数控制在3倍以内。 ​​


👉 ​数据验证:操作前请务必通过buyx.ink核对实时信号,市场波动剧烈时需每小时更新策略。
​**#GT (GateToken)​**
​**#COOKIE(Cookie Finance)​**
​**#ADA (Cardano)​**
​**#BCH(Bitcoin Cash)​**
​**#ETC (Ethereum Classic)​**
​其他风险币种(#pi 、#SATS等)​
#BGB ranks number 1 in holder profitability, outperforming major exchange tokens like #GT and #OKB . Its consistent growth, strong utility, and market demand set it apart. Unlike many competitors, #BGB shows resilience and steady upward momentum, it offers a strong investment opportunity. Its proven track record suggests long-term potential, making it a smart choice for users seeking a reliable exchange token.
#BGB ranks number 1 in holder profitability, outperforming major exchange tokens like #GT and #OKB . Its consistent growth, strong utility, and market demand set it apart. Unlike many competitors, #BGB shows resilience and steady upward momentum, it offers a strong investment opportunity. Its proven track record suggests long-term potential, making it a smart choice for users seeking a reliable exchange token.
【热搜榜:BGB 热度上升,24H涨10.16%】 热度排行显示,BGB 热门关注度与昨日持平,排名第一,热度排行如下: ① BGB($7.48,10.16%) ② UXLINK($1.89,1.61%) ③ ZEN($34.89,-0.85%) ④ ME($3.82,9.14%) ⑤ GT($15.66,-0.57%) #BGB #uxlink #zen #ME #GT
【热搜榜:BGB 热度上升,24H涨10.16%】

热度排行显示,BGB 热门关注度与昨日持平,排名第一,热度排行如下:

① BGB($7.48,10.16%)
② UXLINK($1.89,1.61%)
③ ZEN($34.89,-0.85%)
④ ME($3.82,9.14%)
⑤ GT($15.66,-0.57%)

#BGB #uxlink #zen #ME #GT
#GT x #BNB vendi tudo meu da #trump e comprei #GT enquanto o mercado em queda ela tá me dobrando meu lucro 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#GT x #BNB vendi tudo meu da #trump e comprei #GT enquanto o mercado em queda ela tá me dobrando meu lucro 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Over the past few days, when BTC didn't drop, many people were frustrated they couldn’t buy at a lower price. But when the big drop finally came, everyone hesitated to jump in. I was worried the market wouldn’t dip, so I entered early and even went all in. Today, with the major dump, it's been painful. To be honest, the price has already dropped a lot, and many people have entered positions. Those who needed to cut losses have probably already done so. For example, altcoins that were worth $10,000 a month ago might now only be worth $3,000-$4,000—almost half of it gone! Anyone facing this loss would feel devastated, but what’s done is done. We still have a chance to recover from what hasn’t happened yet. That’s why Brother Sāo keeps saying—don’t rush to add positions for the long term, don’t fully invest right away, and give it time. Be patient, like the trends we saw last July through October. Only then should we think about adding to positions. Crying and complaining won’t fix things. Brother Sāo has lost nearly six figures in the last two days, but just like last time, I believe the assets will rebound after hitting the bottom. Since we've chosen a long-term approach and are in it for the time, experiencing this asset drawdown is part of the process. Save some capital, wait for a big market move, and then jump in with a larger position. With the rebound, we can quickly recover. It’s key to save your ammo! #GT
Over the past few days, when BTC didn't drop, many people were frustrated they couldn’t buy at a lower price. But when the big drop finally came, everyone hesitated to jump in.

I was worried the market wouldn’t dip, so I entered early and even went all in. Today, with the major dump, it's been painful.

To be honest, the price has already dropped a lot, and many people have entered positions. Those who needed to cut losses have probably already done so. For example, altcoins that were worth $10,000 a month ago might now only be worth $3,000-$4,000—almost half of it gone!

Anyone facing this loss would feel devastated, but what’s done is done. We still have a chance to recover from what hasn’t happened yet.

That’s why Brother Sāo keeps saying—don’t rush to add positions for the long term, don’t fully invest right away, and give it time. Be patient, like the trends we saw last July through October.

Only then should we think about adding to positions.

Crying and complaining won’t fix things. Brother Sāo has lost nearly six figures in the last two days, but just like last time, I believe the assets will rebound after hitting the bottom.

Since we've chosen a long-term approach and are in it for the time, experiencing this asset drawdown is part of the process.

Save some capital, wait for a big market move, and then jump in with a larger position. With the rebound, we can quickly recover.

It’s key to save your ammo!
GT这么热门的吗? 这是要上币安吗? 前期带领粉丝在 9.6进场的 gt,在14附近止盈, 目前已经突破新高了,来到了16.2,卖飞了呀 接下来,将在本周布局3个特朗普看好的项目,需要跟上操作的小伙伴们,抓紧时间 机构的布局,机构的消息,同样的涨幅,同样的机会,粉丝优先 跟着强哥混,带你走上人生巅峰 #gt #aave #link #lpt #apt

前期带领粉丝在 9.6进场的 gt,在14附近止盈,




GT When I said it was $16.25. It's now $25. Investing followers continue to earn. Congratulations🙏 🚀🚀🚀#GT
GT When I said it was $16.25. It's now $25. Investing followers continue to earn. Congratulations🙏 🚀🚀🚀#GT
GT When I said it was $16.25. It's now $23.48. Investing followers continue to earn. Congratulations🙏 🚀🚀🚀#GT
盘点一下部分交易所的平台币 币安: 注册用户约2.5亿人次,现货及其衍生品已累计突破110万亿美金,2024年现货日交易量平均保持在550-2100亿美金,日活跃用户平均保持在2700万人次 #BNB 当前市值:1000.3亿$ 流通率:72.94%   欧意: 注册用户7100万人次,web3钱包地址数2.7亿个,2024年交易所现货日交易量平均保持在250-850亿美金,交易所日活跃用户平均保持在650万人次 #OKB 当前市值:81.78亿$ 流通率:53.28%   Bitget: 注册用户4700万人次,2024年现货日交易量平均保持在180-960亿美金,交易所日活跃用户平均保持在525万人次, #BGB 当前市值:100亿$ 流通率:70%   芝麻: 注册用户2100万人次,2024年现货日交易量平均保持在70亿-210亿美金,交易所日活跃用户平均保持在270万人次 #GT 当前市值:16亿$ 流通率:86.54%   Hyperliquid 注册用户约60万用户,日合约交易量最高160亿美元,活跃用户尚不明确,Hyperliquid在永续合约DEX市场占据主导地位,近期交易量占比超过50%‌ #Hype 当前市值:103亿$ 流通率:27.1% 根据以上数据,大家可自行判定未来 提醒:香蕉BAN跌幅已超80%,山羊GOAT日线底部已触底,均可建仓!仅供参考!

#BNB 当前市值:1000.3亿$


#OKB 当前市值:81.78亿$

#BGB 当前市值:100亿$

#GT 当前市值:16亿$

#Hype 当前市值:103亿$


Top Daily Movers - 8th January 1️⃣ GateToken (#GT ): +2.51% 🚀 2️⃣ Bitget Token (#BGB ): +1.57% 📈 3️⃣ XDC Network (#XDC ): +1.04% 🔥 Which token will take the lead tomorrow? 👀 Drop your predictions below! 👇
Top Daily Movers - 8th January

1️⃣ GateToken (#GT ): +2.51% 🚀
2️⃣ Bitget Token (#BGB ): +1.57% 📈
3️⃣ XDC Network (#XDC ): +1.04% 🔥

Which token will take the lead tomorrow? 👀
Drop your predictions below! 👇
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