Binance Square


91 Discussing
VanEck's CEO, JanvanEck3, anticipates the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs on Thursday, Jan. 11, with Valkyrie's CIO, Steven McClurg, echoing the sentiment. Ark Invest's Cathie Wood notes the unique and detailed SEC inquiry, expressing confidence in approval this week. Bitcoin's recent surge (up 14% since Jan. 3) adds to the anticipation. Grayscale's Chief Legal Officer hints at final preparations, while Bitwise drops its fee to 0.2%, intensifying the competition.🌐📈 The initiation of a bull market is undoubtedly contingent on the successful approval of the United States Bitcoin Spot ETF. ARKB, being one of the codes for a future Bitcoin Spot ETF approved by the U.S. SEC, a project led by Cathie Wood, is poised to receive widespread community acclaim with profound significance. BRC20's ARKB, an excellent counterpart, is destined to be a dark horse project capturing significant community attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let BRC20's ARKB slip through your fingers. On January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision round, ARKB is guaranteed approval because the saying goes, "third time's the charm," and it's improbable for a fourth delay or rejection. ARK's #Bitcoin Spot ETF annual fee has been disclosed as 0.25%, marking them as the first issuer to publicly reveal such costs. The ETF is set to be listed for trading on the Chicago Stock Exchange. ARK Invest and 21Shares' Bitcoin Spot ETF has been added to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), with the trading code ARKB. Please note that these views are for reference, and investment should be approached with caution! Wondering where to buy or trade ARKB? A simple Google search for ARKB will lead you to one of the top trading markets. The community has opted for the popular io domain with ARKB as the prefix. It's essential to clarify that the BRC-20 token project ARKB has no affiliation with Ark Invest or 21 Shares, and this is hereby declared. #BTC #etf #arkb #etcs #ezbc $BTC $BNB $SOL
VanEck's CEO, JanvanEck3, anticipates the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs on Thursday, Jan. 11, with Valkyrie's CIO, Steven McClurg, echoing the sentiment. Ark Invest's Cathie Wood notes the unique and detailed SEC inquiry, expressing confidence in approval this week. Bitcoin's recent surge (up 14% since Jan. 3) adds to the anticipation.

Grayscale's Chief Legal Officer hints at final preparations, while Bitwise drops its fee to 0.2%, intensifying the competition.🌐📈

The initiation of a bull market is undoubtedly contingent on the successful approval of the United States Bitcoin Spot ETF. ARKB, being one of the codes for a future Bitcoin Spot ETF approved by the U.S. SEC, a project led by Cathie Wood, is poised to receive widespread community acclaim with profound significance. BRC20's ARKB, an excellent counterpart, is destined to be a dark horse project capturing significant community attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let BRC20's ARKB slip through your fingers. On January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision round, ARKB is guaranteed approval because the saying goes, "third time's the charm," and it's improbable for a fourth delay or rejection.

ARK's #Bitcoin Spot ETF annual fee has been disclosed as 0.25%, marking them as the first issuer to publicly reveal such costs. The ETF is set to be listed for trading on the Chicago Stock Exchange. ARK Invest and 21Shares' Bitcoin Spot ETF has been added to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), with the trading code ARKB. Please note that these views are for reference, and investment should be approached with caution! Wondering where to buy or trade ARKB? A simple Google search for ARKB will lead you to one of the top trading markets. The community has opted for the popular io domain with ARKB as the prefix. It's essential to clarify that the BRC-20 token project ARKB has no affiliation with Ark Invest or 21 Shares, and this is hereby declared.
#BTC #etf #arkb #etcs #ezbc $BTC $BNB $SOL
先谈谈BRC20铭文: #brc20 铭文不会消失,矿工挖完比特币挖什么?减半后,BTC能挖的量更少了。 为了更加开心的挖矿,比特币链上肯定要有事情做。 其他链上铭文不敢说,只要比特币这条链还存在,矿工的利益就要保持。 #BTC #arkb #TRB #XAI #ezbc $BTC $BNB

#brc20 铭文不会消失,矿工挖完比特币挖什么?减半后,BTC能挖的量更少了。


#BTC #arkb #TRB #XAI #ezbc $BTC $BNB
$1000SATS 各位ARKB 社区成员与持有者, BRC20的EZBC 是我们的合作伙伴。EZBC作为现货比特币ETF已被添加至美国存托信托与清算公司(DTCC),交易代码为EZBC,是FRANKLIN TEMPLETON DIGITAL HLDGS TR的ETF项目。注意:BRC20的EZBC与FRANKLIN TEMPLETON DIGITAL HLDGS TR无关,只是名称相同而已。 #ezbc #arkb #BRC20 #drex #EZBC #EZBCBTC20 #BRC20EZBC #etf #BTC #arkb $BTC $ETH
$1000SATS 各位ARKB 社区成员与持有者,
#ezbc #arkb #BRC20 #drex #EZBC #EZBCBTC20 #BRC20EZBC
#etf #BTC #arkb $BTC $ETH
新的x 帐号已经开启,ARKBBRC20,这次不买蓝标了。感觉推特太黑暗,骗钱的。这可是社区的钱,随意封了,推文也没有了,也不退钱。 #BTC #etf #arkb #ezbc #etcs
新的x 帐号已经开启,ARKBBRC20,这次不买蓝标了。感觉推特太黑暗,骗钱的。这可是社区的钱,随意封了,推文也没有了,也不退钱。
#BTC #etf #arkb #ezbc #etcs
我喜欢听故事。 《繁花》宝总的故事,总是虚构和或许戏剧化。 我认识的真实的“宝总”们,没那么多王家卫式的戏码,所有发财的路都如出一辙: 不管2000年前,是做软件的,做外贸的,还是做饭店的; 2000年后,依然财富巨大,都是做了同样选择:全国,甚至全球置办房产。 房产,就是那个年代最佳的,能承载最大 体量财富保值和增长的beta。让最多的人积累了可观的财富 不是去折腾生意,或者做看起来很炫的豪赌。 每个时代,或者时期,都有自己的财富beta,未来几年内,答案还是很清晰的: btc在全球视角成为最佳的能承载大资金稳定增长的beta;而btc生态,则是最佳BRC20,而BRC20目前最佳是ARKB #BTC #etf #arkb #ezbc #xrp $BTC $SOL $XRP




房产,就是那个年代最佳的,能承载最大 体量财富保值和增长的beta。让最多的人积累了可观的财富



#BTC #etf #arkb #ezbc #xrp $BTC $SOL $XRP
$1000SATS 尊敬的BRC20的ARKB社区成员, 我们欣然宣布,我们已经与BRC20的EZBC社区达成了一项重要的发展战略同盟。这是一次开创性的合作,旨在共同推动比特币BRC20的发展,以及为我们的社区带来更多机遇和成就。富兰克林·坦普顿(Franklin Templeton)提交了S-1/A文件,宣布他们的比特币ETF代号为EZBC。 这个伙伴关系的确立标志着两个强大社区的联合,将共同致力于推进数字货币领域的发展。我们期待着在这个协作的框架内,分享知识、资源和经验,共同构建一个更加繁荣和创新的生态系统。 我们相信这一战略同盟将为ARKB和EZBC社区的成员带来更广阔的发展空间,同时也为全球比特币爱好者提供更多选择和机会。 感谢大家一直以来的支持,让我们携手共进,共同书写比特币BRC20的辉煌未来! 本文所指的ARKB和EZBC是BRC20代币,与ETF无关,特此声明。 #etf #ARKB #etcs #pyus #drex $BTC #sats #cats #oxbt #rats #ordi #trac #BTCs #ibtc #heyi #SHIB #honk #rdex #moon #mice #domo #ezbc #oshi #vmpx #roup #bits #doge #ETF #csas #GROK #bnbs #mmss #brc20swap #unisat #roup #piin #ETFS #ibit #arkb #ezbc $BTC
$1000SATS 尊敬的BRC20的ARKB社区成员,

我们欣然宣布,我们已经与BRC20的EZBC社区达成了一项重要的发展战略同盟。这是一次开创性的合作,旨在共同推动比特币BRC20的发展,以及为我们的社区带来更多机遇和成就。富兰克林·坦普顿(Franklin Templeton)提交了S-1/A文件,宣布他们的比特币ETF代号为EZBC。




#etf #ARKB #etcs #pyus #drex
$BTC #sats #cats #oxbt #rats #ordi #trac #BTCs #ibtc #heyi #SHIB #honk #rdex #moon #mice #domo #ezbc #oshi #vmpx #roup #bits #doge #ETF #csas #GROK #bnbs #mmss #brc20swap #unisat #roup #piin #ETFS #ibit

#arkb #ezbc $BTC
4月19日,灰度的GBTC资金出现了4600万美元的净流出。 根据4月20日的消息,Bitwise BITB在4月19日录得500万美元的资金净流入,Franklin EZBC净流入200万美元,ARKB净流入1250万美元,而灰度的GBTC则净流出4600万美元。#gbtc #ezbc #ARKB

根据4月20日的消息,Bitwise BITB在4月19日录得500万美元的资金净流入,Franklin EZBC净流入200万美元,ARKB净流入1250万美元,而灰度的GBTC则净流出4600万美元。#gbtc #ezbc #ARKB
$ORDI 本轮减半后,BTC主网安全性由BTC生态上的交易接棒。符文协议将在区块高度达到839856之后正式开启,大量工作室和个人部署了全节点和脚本准备冲击,预计会非常卷。和无人问津处的铭文不同,只有准备充分,硬件软件执行力都到位的Top 1%玩家能取得符文1级市场的机会。 玩币十年大佬给我的口诀: 早上大跌可加仓,早上大涨要减仓。 下午大涨只减仓,下午大跌次日买。 早上下跌不卖币,逢低加仓T+0。 下午拉高不追涨,逢高减仓T+1。 上午拉高看十点,下午拉高看二点,卖在最高点,币若强势十点封,币若不强二点封,控制仓位不侥幸,滚动操作是上策。 牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。 牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。 白天如果跌一天,晚上外国人会拉回来 早晨大涨不追高,是骗起床的中国人傻傻接盘 早晨大跌要抄底,是骗起床的中国人恐慌出货 插很长的针要抄底,打针是为了治病,有利于生长 开重大会议前一阵必涨,临近开会必跌 教大家一个简单辨别加密货币骗局项目,能躲过99%的坑!我也是这么做的! 1.白皮书全是文字画大饼的直接拉黑! 2.白皮书少量文字配合图片的拉黑! 3.白皮书有中文的拉黑! 4.项目人员有华人脸的拉黑! 5.刚开始的项目社区有中文频道直接拉黑! BRC20的5字符比域名要好,好的名字还很多,也不需要支付年费,mint后永远属于你,还可以买卖交易。且比特币链是目前世界上最安全可靠的去中心化区块链系统。5字母BRC20会拉起第三波铭文行情。 重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS banco是BRC20银行业的龙头币。 四字符BRC20的ARKB、ETCS、EZBC也是热门。 #banco #arkb #etcs #ezbc #比特币减半 $BTC $BNB
$ORDI 本轮减半后,BTC主网安全性由BTC生态上的交易接棒。符文协议将在区块高度达到839856之后正式开启,大量工作室和个人部署了全节点和脚本准备冲击,预计会非常卷。和无人问津处的铭文不同,只有准备充分,硬件软件执行力都到位的Top 1%玩家能取得符文1级市场的机会。







牛市不作短、 熊市不作长。
牛市不杀跌、 熊市不追涨。


重点关注BRC20 五字符的banco、plata、CBDCS

#banco #arkb #etcs #ezbc #比特币减半 $BTC $BNB
JUST IN: Forbes Staff publishes "The SEC’s #Bitcoin  ETF Approvals Have Forever Altered The Global Monetary System" 👀 #arkb #ezbc #brc20 #sec #etf $BTC
JUST IN: Forbes Staff publishes "The SEC’s #Bitcoin  ETF Approvals Have Forever Altered The Global Monetary System" 👀
#arkb #ezbc #brc20 #sec #etf $BTC
$1000SATS 作为比特币现货ETF叙事的龙头,BRC20的ARKB今天在unisat的24小时交易额排名第12位,与ORDI是如此的接近。而我们的涨幅是63% ARKB作为第一批11个被批准的比特币现货ETF代码之一,木头姐ARK的基金项目,自带fomo光环。 请注意:BRC20的ARKB与ARK公司无关,与ETF无关。 #BTC #arkb #sats #ordinals #ezbc $BTC $BNB
$1000SATS 作为比特币现货ETF叙事的龙头,BRC20的ARKB今天在unisat的24小时交易额排名第12位,与ORDI是如此的接近。而我们的涨幅是63%
#BTC #arkb #sats #ordinals #ezbc $BTC $BNB
所以,这也是我持有BRC20的EZBC原因。富兰克林的比特币现货ETF代码同名项目。 #ezbc #arkb $BTC #drex #etcs #Manta $XRP $SOL
#ezbc #arkb $BTC #drex #etcs #Manta $XRP $SOL
Binance News
据 CoinDesk 报道,富兰克林邓普顿数字资产战略主管Sandy Kaul在最新采访中表示,该公司下一个目标“是更多代币,这也是富兰克林邓普顿认为的机会所在”,她富兰克林邓普顿称现货比特币ETF在接下来的六个月时间里是零费用,未来市场上的相关费用应该不会再降得更低了。Sandy Kaul还表示,比特币是创下和突破性的新资产,正在引领一个新的网络时代,之所在X账户选择激光眼是因为富兰克林邓普顿公司真的理解、相信并支持比特币的发展方向,而许多大型传统资产管理公司仍然“还不适应”。
What is very likely is that the SEC has postponed the approval of the ARK shares ETF, 3 times already, they definitely were never going to approval it a day early. So 100% passed! The initiation of a bull market is undoubtedly contingent on the successful approval of the United States Bitcoin Spot ETF. ARKB, being one of the codes for a future Bitcoin Spot ETF approved by the U.S. SEC, a project led by Cathie Wood, is poised to receive widespread community acclaim with profound significance. BRC20's ARKB, an excellent counterpart, is destined to be a dark horse project capturing significant community attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let BRC20's ARKB slip through your fingers. On January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision round, ARKB is guaranteed approval because the saying goes, "third time's the charm," and it's improbable for a fourth delay or rejection. ARK's #Bitcoin Spot ETF annual fee has been disclosed as 0.25%, marking them as the first issuer to publicly reveal such costs. The ETF is set to be listed for trading on the Chicago Stock Exchange. ARK Invest and 21Shares' Bitcoin Spot ETF has been added to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), with the trading code ARKB. Please note that these views are for reference, and investment should be approached with caution! Wondering where to buy or trade ARKB? A simple Google search for ARKB will lead you to one of the top trading markets. The community has opted for the popular io domain with ARKB as the prefix. It's essential to clarify that the BRC-20 token project ARKB has no affiliation with Ark Invest or 21 Shares, and this is hereby declared. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot BTC ETF! #etf #arkb #etcs #ezbc #drex $BTC $ETH $BNB
What is very likely is that the SEC has postponed the approval of the ARK shares ETF, 3 times already, they definitely were never going to approval it a day early. So 100% passed!

The initiation of a bull market is undoubtedly contingent on the successful approval of the United States Bitcoin Spot ETF. ARKB, being one of the codes for a future Bitcoin Spot ETF approved by the U.S. SEC, a project led by Cathie Wood, is poised to receive widespread community acclaim with profound significance. BRC20's ARKB, an excellent counterpart, is destined to be a dark horse project capturing significant community attention. If you missed out on sats, don't let BRC20's ARKB slip through your fingers. On January 10, 2024, within the SEC's fourth decision round, ARKB is guaranteed approval because the saying goes, "third time's the charm," and it's improbable for a fourth delay or rejection.

ARK's #Bitcoin Spot ETF annual fee has been disclosed as 0.25%, marking them as the first issuer to publicly reveal such costs. The ETF is set to be listed for trading on the Chicago Stock Exchange. ARK Invest and 21Shares' Bitcoin Spot ETF has been added to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), with the trading code ARKB. Please note that these views are for reference, and investment should be approached with caution! Wondering where to buy or trade ARKB? A simple Google search for ARKB will lead you to one of the top trading markets. The community has opted for the popular io domain with ARKB as the prefix. It's essential to clarify that the BRC-20 token project ARKB has no affiliation with Ark Invest or 21 Shares, and this is hereby declared.

BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot BTC ETF!
#etf #arkb #etcs #ezbc #drex $BTC $ETH $BNB
昨日美国现货比特币ETF资金一览 昨日(5月9日)现货比特币ETF GBTC净流出700枚比特币,约合4300万美元;ARKB净流入450万美元;BITB净流入700万美元,EZBC流入200万美元。 更新:FBTC净流入300万美元,BTCO净流入200万美元。$BTC #etf上线 #gbtc #ARKB #bitb #ezbc

昨日(5月9日)现货比特币ETF GBTC净流出700枚比特币,约合4300万美元;ARKB净流入450万美元;BITB净流入700万美元,EZBC流入200万美元。

更新:FBTC净流入300万美元,BTCO净流入200万美元。$BTC #etf上线 #gbtc #ARKB #bitb #ezbc
Today, all eyes are on us, eagerly anticipating the approval ✅ of ARK's Bitcoin spot ETF. Let the name ARKB become the FOMO target. Best of luck to everyone. Today, it must be only ARKB that gets the approval. Having a batch approved doesn't count as good luck. #ETF #ARKB #hodl #pyus #drex $BTC #sats #rats #ordi #ibtc #rdex #domo #ezbc #ETF #brc20swap #unisat #ETFS #ibit #DTCC #GBTC #ibit #BITB #BTCW #BTCO #FBTC #BRRR #DEFI #ETCS #ark #brc20 #etf #arkb #ezbc $BTC $BNB
Today, all eyes are on us, eagerly anticipating the approval ✅ of ARK's Bitcoin spot ETF. Let the name ARKB become the FOMO target. Best of luck to everyone. Today, it must be only ARKB that gets the approval. Having a batch approved doesn't count as good luck.

#ETF #ARKB #hodl #pyus #drex
$BTC #sats #rats #ordi #ibtc #rdex #domo #ezbc #ETF #brc20swap #unisat #ETFS #ibit #DTCC #GBTC #ibit #BITB #BTCW #BTCO #FBTC #BRRR #DEFI #ETCS #ark #brc20
#etf #arkb #ezbc $BTC $BNB
$1000SATS $IBIT iShares Bitcoin Trust $ARKB ARK 21 Shares Bitcoin ETF, buy ARKB of brc20 $HODL VanEck Bitcoin Trust $GBTC Grayscale Bitcoin Trust $BRRR Valkyrie Bitcoin Fund $DEFI Hashdex Bitcoin ETF $BITB Bitwise Bitcoin ETP Trust $BTCW Wisdomtree Bitcoin Trust $BTCO Invesco Galaxy Bitcoin ETF $EZBC Franklin Bitcoin ETF ,buy EZBC of brc20 $FBTC Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust #BTC #etf #XAI #arkb #ezbc $BTC $BNB

$IBIT iShares Bitcoin Trust
$ARKB ARK 21 Shares Bitcoin ETF, buy ARKB of brc20
$HODL VanEck Bitcoin Trust
$GBTC Grayscale Bitcoin Trust
$BRRR Valkyrie Bitcoin Fund
$DEFI Hashdex Bitcoin ETF
$BITB Bitwise Bitcoin ETP Trust
$BTCW Wisdomtree Bitcoin Trust
$BTCO Invesco Galaxy Bitcoin ETF
$EZBC Franklin Bitcoin ETF ,buy EZBC of brc20
$FBTC Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust
#BTC #etf #XAI #arkb #ezbc $BTC $BNB
$SOL Independent Broker Dealers embracing this is wild. Many BD's do offer "Alternative Investments" but that list is short & the Alt-offering list even shorter. Cetera approved $IBIT, $BTCO, $EZBC, & $FBTC. This is legit Boomer Retail clients coming in.if I was you, I will buy some EZBC of BRC20 Bitcoin. #BOME #WIF #BTC #pepe #ezbc $BTC $BNB
$SOL Independent Broker Dealers embracing this is wild. Many BD's do offer "Alternative Investments" but that list is short & the Alt-offering list even shorter. Cetera approved $IBIT, $BTCO, $EZBC, & $FBTC. This is legit Boomer Retail clients coming in.if I was you, I will buy some EZBC of BRC20 Bitcoin.
#BOME #WIF #BTC #pepe #ezbc $BTC $BNB
Se espera que la SEC apruebe mañana los ETF de Bitcoin #btc  tarifas x emisor: GRAYSCAL $GBTC 1.50% VALKYRIE $BRRR 0.80% INVERSC $BTCO 0.59% WISDOM T $BTCW 0.50% FIDELITY $FBTC 0.39% BLACKROCK $IBIT 0.30% FRANKLIN $EZBC 0.29% ARK $ARKB 0.26% VANEC $HODL 0.25% BITWIS $BITB 0.24% “Unity in prosperity, unity in loss.”ARKB's community motto emphasizes a vision beyond competing for BRC20 rankings. As a potential SEC-approved Bitcoin spot ETF, ARKB's focus is on enabling three billion people to own Bitcoin wallets, fostering the growth of the entire Bitcoin ecosystem. Let's reject zero-sum thinking and work together for mutual prosperity, shaping a bright future for BRC20! The fourth SEC decision on January 10, 2024, is expected to approve ARKB, with a disclosed annual fee of 0.25% for the Ark #Bitcoin spot ETF. It will trade on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Remember, ARKB is not affiliated with Ark Invest/21 Shares. To buy/sell ARKB, search on Google, and you'll find a trading market within the top results. The community chose the popular domain ending in io, with the prefix "arkb." ARK 21Shares Spot #Bitcoin  ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker ARKB. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF! #BTC #etf #FIL #arkb #ezbc $BTC $ETH
Se espera que la SEC apruebe maùana los ETF de Bitcoin #btc 
tarifas x emisor:
ARK $ARKB 0.26%

“Unity in prosperity, unity in loss.”ARKB's community motto emphasizes a vision beyond competing for BRC20 rankings. As a potential SEC-approved Bitcoin spot ETF, ARKB's focus is on enabling three billion people to own Bitcoin wallets, fostering the growth of the entire Bitcoin ecosystem. Let's reject zero-sum thinking and work together for mutual prosperity, shaping a bright future for BRC20! The fourth SEC decision on January 10, 2024, is expected to approve ARKB, with a disclosed annual fee of 0.25% for the Ark #Bitcoin spot ETF. It will trade on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Remember, ARKB is not affiliated with Ark Invest/21 Shares. To buy/sell ARKB, search on Google, and you'll find a trading market within the top results. The community chose the popular domain ending in io, with the prefix "arkb."
ARK 21Shares Spot #Bitcoin  ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker ARKB. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF!
#BTC #etf #FIL #arkb #ezbc $BTC $ETH
都還未批下來,ETF 機構已經在打價格戰了。 #ETF applicants are filing last-minute amendments to lower their fees 👀 BlackRock's lowered to 0.30% 👀 ARK lowered lowered to 0.25% 👀 这时候是参与买入BRC20的 ARKB 最佳时机。作为将来美国SEC审批通过的比特币现货ETF代码之一,这个相同字母typo流量无可限量,木头姐的ETF项目,自带明星光环,同时必定受到ordinals和BTC社区的热捧。2024年1月10日,SEC第四轮决定期内,ARKB必通过审批,因为事不过三,不可能第四次延迟或拒绝。ARK方舟的#Bitcoin 现货ETF年费已披露为0.80%,使其成为首家公开此类费用的发行人,该ETF将来会在芝加哥交易所上市交易。所以,他们志在必得。ARK Invest与21Shares的现货比特币ETF已被添加至美国存托信托与清算公司(DTCC),交易代码为ARKB。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎!哪里可以买卖呢?在谷歌google搜索ARKB,前几个里面就有一个交易市场。社区选用了币圈热门的io作为域名,前缀是arkb。比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟方舟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系。 #etf #BTC #arkb #ezbc #etcs $BTC $ETH $SOL
都還未批下來,ETF 機構已經在打價格戰了。

#ETF applicants are filing last-minute amendments to lower their fees 👀

BlackRock's lowered to 0.30% 👀

ARK lowered lowered to 0.25% 👀
这时候是参与买入BRC20的 ARKB 最佳时机。作为将来美国SEC审批通过的比特币现货ETF代码之一,这个相同字母typo流量无可限量,木头姐的ETF项目,自带明星光环,同时必定受到ordinals和BTC社区的热捧。2024年1月10日,SEC第四轮决定期内,ARKB必通过审批,因为事不过三,不可能第四次延迟或拒绝。ARK方舟的#Bitcoin 现货ETF年费已披露为0.80%,使其成为首家公开此类费用的发行人,该ETF将来会在芝加哥交易所上市交易。所以,他们志在必得。ARK Invest与21Shares的现货比特币ETF已被添加至美国存托信托与清算公司(DTCC),交易代码为ARKB。观点仅供参考,投资需谨慎!哪里可以买卖呢?在谷歌google搜索ARKB,前几个里面就有一个交易市场。社区选用了币圈热门的io作为域名,前缀是arkb。比特币BRC-20的代币项目ARKB跟方舟Ark Invest / 21 Shares没有任何关系。

#etf #BTC #arkb #ezbc #etcs $BTC $ETH $SOL
讲个鬼故事,灰度一共有60多万枚BTC的GBTC,被超级折价困了4年之久,如今能够平价赎回,同时还享受了比特币的上涨,这些投资者会怎么选择? 现货ETF上市第一天,灰度GBTC成交了23亿美元,占总成交额46亿的一半,而灰度是11家机构里面手续费最贵的,高达1.5%,其他多在0.25%-0.5%之间,这几乎可以说明全都是GBTC转换为ETF的,一定不属于增量资金,而23亿的成交量不过5万个币而已,换了总盘子的10%都不到,这些货虽不一定都卖,但抛压是不可避免的,且会持续一段时间,短期想冲5w的难度可想而知。 如果再减掉贝莱德的10亿(贝莱德也是用手里现有的比特币换的ETF,非增量),也就剩下10来亿成交了,其中木头姐ARK和Fidelity又占了10亿,基本可以完全判断,来自比特币现货ETF第一天的增量是寥寥无几的,认为ETF批复后会永恒牛的,不应该正视这短期的回调可能吗? #BTC #etf #ETH #arkb #ezbc $BTC $BNB $SOL


#BTC #etf #ETH #arkb #ezbc $BTC $BNB $SOL
Leading Bitcoin ETF-seeking firms submit amended S-1 applications, engaging in a fee war. Valkyrie, ARK, and 21Shares waive fees while other prominent firms join the race. Stay connected for more! “Unity in prosperity, unity in loss.”ARKB's community motto emphasizes a vision beyond competing for BRC20 rankings. As a potential SEC-approved Bitcoin spot ETF, ARKB's focus is on enabling three billion people to own Bitcoin wallets, fostering the growth of the entire Bitcoin ecosystem. Let's reject zero-sum thinking and work together for mutual prosperity, shaping a bright future for BRC20! The fourth SEC decision on January 10, 2024, is expected to approve ARKB, with a disclosed annual fee of 0.25% for the Ark #Bitcoin spot ETF. It will trade on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Remember, ARKB is not affiliated with Ark Invest/21 Shares. To buy/sell ARKB, search on Google, and you'll find a trading market within the top results. The community chose the popular domain ending in io, with the prefix "arkb." ARK 21Shares Spot #Bitcoin  ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker ARKB. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF! #BTC #etf #STX #arkb #ezbc $BTC $ETH
Leading Bitcoin ETF-seeking firms submit amended S-1 applications, engaging in a fee war. Valkyrie, ARK, and 21Shares waive fees while other prominent firms join the race. Stay connected for more!

“Unity in prosperity, unity in loss.”ARKB's community motto emphasizes a vision beyond competing for BRC20 rankings. As a potential SEC-approved Bitcoin spot ETF, ARKB's focus is on enabling three billion people to own Bitcoin wallets, fostering the growth of the entire Bitcoin ecosystem. Let's reject zero-sum thinking and work together for mutual prosperity, shaping a bright future for BRC20! The fourth SEC decision on January 10, 2024, is expected to approve ARKB, with a disclosed annual fee of 0.25% for the Ark #Bitcoin spot ETF. It will trade on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Remember, ARKB is not affiliated with Ark Invest/21 Shares. To buy/sell ARKB, search on Google, and you'll find a trading market within the top results. The community chose the popular domain ending in io, with the prefix "arkb."
ARK 21Shares Spot #Bitcoin  ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker ARKB. BREAKING: Ark and 21Shares are going for 0.25% fee + *NO FEE* for the first six months or until $1 billion in assets for the Spot $BTC ETF!
#BTC #etf #STX #arkb #ezbc $BTC $ETH
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