The price prediction for Worldcoin (#WLD) in 2025 varies based on different sources and analyses. Here are some estimates from multiple platforms:
Cryptopolitan: Predicts that WLD's price could range between $8.28 (minimum) and $9.98 (maximum), with an average of $9.29.
Binance: Estimates suggest that #WLD could reach $14.05 within the next five years.
Bitget: Forecasts the price at around $4.45 in 2025.
Longforecast: Predicts the price to start at $2.66 in November 2025, with a potential range between $2.66 and $3.31, averaging $2.93.
Please note that these predictions are based on current analyses and market trends, and they are subject to change. It’s advisable to conduct your own research and consult financial experts before
#WLD. making any investment decisions.