The only people who glorify poverty and claim to have learned "courage" from it are those who have never faced poverty.

People who have actually experienced poverty know that you just become chronically anxious because you could never afford a healthy, stable life.

They know that in an environment of low trust, you develop a bunch of bad habits that you'll have to unlearn later if you want a chance to build loving relationships.

They know that you'll spend many years trying to escape the crab bucket of people who thought that since they never lived well, there's no need to start.

They know that you could never invest money in the long term because your family always lived paycheck to paycheck despite the most frugal lifestyle possible.

They know that you never had the opportunity to travel or experience anything that cost even a little money, and as a result, you became withdrawn and dogmatic.

From time to time, you'll hear stories of a few "survivors" who managed to make it, but they succeeded despite adverse circumstances and would likely have achieved much more if they had spent less time worrying about survival or interacting with people who lack basic common sense.

The world is full of shameless people who don't tell the whole story; plenty of successful people will tell you that you need to suffer to succeed, but they usually don't talk about the kind of suffering you'll have to overcome if you start from the very bottom.

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