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The market keeps setting a new local low, according to CoinMarketCap.

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The rate of Solana (SOL) has fallen by 6.60% over the last 24 hours.

Image by TradingView

On the hourly chart, the price of SOL might have found a local support level of $132.90. If the daily bar closes far from it, the bounce back may continue to the $140 zone.

Image by TradingView

On the bigger time frame, there are no reversal signals yet. However, one should pay attention to the daily candle's closure. 


If it happens far from its low, traders may expect sideways trading in the zone of $135-$145 until the end of the week.

Image by TradingView

From the midterm point of view, the price of SOL is far from the support and resistance levels. However, if the decline continues to the $120 zone, the accumulated energy might be enough for a breakout, followed by a move to the $100-$110 area.

SOL is trading at $137.27 at press time.