Donald Trump, the former U.S. President, has pledged to terminate President Joe Biden’s stringent regulatory measures on cryptocurrencies if he wins the upcoming election. 

During a speech in West Palm Beach, Florida, on his 78th birthday, Trump expressed his commitment to fostering the growth and security of the cryptocurrency industry, particularly emphasizing Bitcoin’s role in America.

Trump advocates for domestic Crypto growth

Trump has been vocal about opposing Biden’s approach to cryptocurrency, criticizing it as overly restrictive. On May 26, he expressed dissatisfaction through a Truth Social post targeting Biden’s administration while underscoring his vision for the U.S. to lead in the crypto sector. 

Trump asserted, “Crooked Joe Biden, on the other hand, the worst president in the history of our country, wants it to die a slow and painful death. That will never happen with me.” He reiterated the need for a significant shift in the U.S. crypto strategy. He advocated for all future Bitcoin mining operations based in the U.S., framing it as crucial for achieving energy dominance.

The contrast in perspectives between Trump and the current administration is stark, particularly with Trump advocating for an aggressive push toward domestic Bitcoin mining. He sees it as a critical defense against the proliferation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which several countries are considering. Trump’s comments came shortly after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill restricting the Federal Reserve from launching a CBDC without Congress’s explicit approval. He criticized Biden’s administration again for what he perceives as a detrimental stance that benefits foreign adversaries and leftist ideologies.

Biden’s cautious approach to Cryptocurrency

Under President Biden, the U.S. government has maintained a cautious stance on cryptocurrencies. This has been heightened by numerous scandals that have marred the industry and impacted investor confidence. In 2022, Biden signed an executive order that tasked federal agencies with evaluating the risks and benefits associated with cryptocurrencies. 

This move aimed to enhance consumer protection, ensure financial stability, and curb illicit activities related to digital currencies. Despite his current stringent policies, Trump has only sometimes supported cryptocurrencies. In 2019, he declared a lack of support for Bitcoin and other digital currencies, citing concerns over their volatility and potential to facilitate illegal activities. 

This renewed promise from Trump signifies a potential pivot in U.S. crypto policy should he be re-elected. He proposes a more supportive framework for the cryptocurrency industry, focusing on solidifying its base within the United States.

The post Trump Promises to Halt Biden’s Strict Crypto Policies If Elected first appeared on Coinfea.