LUNA & LUNC Price Analysis

Terra (LUNA) is in an overall 97.13% fall after its peak two years ago, where it rose to an all-time high of $19.54. The altcoin had a decent surge today as the LUNA price increased to $0.5973 before declining to the current value of $0.5429. It has a market cap of $415,779,481, placing it 150th on the CoinmarketCap. LUNA’s trading volume is at $61,744,317, which has surged 102% in the last 24 hours, clarifying the reasons behind this surge.

LUNC is also on the same path, facing a 99.99% decline from its peak days in May 2022. Because of that, the Terra Classic price is at $0.0001027, which has hiked 1.18% from yesterday. Along with that, it has a market cap of $594,114,483. The surge in its network activity has pushed the trading volume to $37,034,782 after a 40% rise.

LUNA and LUNC had a better performance a few hours ago, as the trend seems to be declining by now as a slight downward moment is noticeable in the charts.