Crypto space is the easiest way to make money in the 21 Century. You can also lost your life savings this way. Recently, I received a lot of calls and chats with many complains of liquidations and so many lost of assets.

Many people have asked me to trade for them but I have my rules; I only trade for institutions. Reason: Individuals have low capital, hence the temptations to use high leverage, so also the high risk. Hence, inexperience traders end up losing individual investors funds.

I don't always have time to post articles on Binance. Trust me I have never lost $1 from 2022 till date.

Because of the outcry, I am here to help with golden rules. You surely didn't pay for these rules, you may NOT value them, so you continue Lossing your hard earn money and be thinking crypto is a scam. Here we go:

No1: Understand Technical Analysis, master the art of support and resistance.

No2: Understand risk management; depending on your "capital base"; do NOT go beyond 5% leverage. Making wealth is a process not instantaneous thing.

No3. Always have a definite target. Once your target is reached, adjust your SL to the target and let the market swing.

No4. Every penis that rise must also fall, no matter the Viagra. So also, the crypto oscillators. BTC has been swinging from 60k to 71k severally.

No5. Avoid swing trades. Long term is your best bet for a win win.

No6. NEVER you forget your SL on any trade.

No7. Always trade with the candle trends not the market hypes by influencers.

No8. Use trading calculators to ensure that liquidation point is far bellow a monthly candle if you are betting on weekly charts. This way, you will never lost your funds.

No9. Do not trade with sentiments or emotions or faith. Crypto doesn't work that way.

No10. Never forget the above golden rules, memorize them if possible.

Best wishes, do have a win win trade. Cheers!