NOTCON price prediction with reasonnings

Month | Predicted Price


July 2024 | $0.023

August 2024 | $0.025

September | $0.027

October | $0.029

November | $0.031

December | $0.033

Long-term, month-by-month prediction for NOTCOIN (NOT) involves analyzing various technical indicators, including Elliott Wave forecast and logarithmic regression. Here’s a synthesized prediction based on the current data:

Current Price: As of today, the current price of NOTCOIN is approximately $0.0211.

Using Elliott Wave Theory:

Elliott Wave Theory suggests that market prices unfold in specific patterns, known as waves.For NOTCOIN, we could expect to see a series of impulse and corrective waves that could predict price movements over the coming months.

Applying Logarithmic Regression:

Logarithmic regression is used to understand the growth pattern of an asset over time on a logarithmic scale.This method can help project future price points based on historical data and growth trends.

Other Indicators:

Other technical indicators like Moving Averages, RSI, and MACD will also be considered to provide a more comprehensive analysis.

Given the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, it’s important to note that these predictions are speculative and should not be taken as financial advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.


