There's one token out there in the crypto space that has been created as RUG PROOF from the start, and it's still rediculously cheap now. You can confirm this fact by checking the PITBULL contract.

PITBULL has been around for three years, yet people hasn't seem to notice it's huge potentials. I've been supporting this token for years, because its literally obvious where this token will go a couple of years from now. It's gonna go x100 or even x1000.

It's designed to burn 2% of tokens in every transaction. It is highly deflationary and years from now this token will be very scarce. Imagine in a span of three years it has burned 60% of its total maximum supply. Only a few of this token will be left three years from now.

Looking at its tokenomics, I have no doubt that PITBULL can topple down #SHIB and #DOGE one day. All it needs is time and the right exposure.

👀PITBULL is in line to become the next binance newbie. It is nominated in binance futures next, if it wins, it will be trading in binance soon.

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