Former Professional Boxer Floyd Mayweather Accused of Involvement in NFT Scams

According to Foresight News, former professional boxer Floyd Mayweather has been accused of involvement in several NFT (Non-Fungible Token) scams. The allegations were made by blockchain detective ZachXBT, who noted that Mayweather had posted and subsequently deleted tweets containing fraudulent information.

ZachXBT revealed that Mayweather had previously been involved in NFT scams including Mayweverse and RealFloydNFT. He also allegedly promoted fraudulent projects such as Ethereum Max, Bored Bunny, Moonshot, and a 2018 ICO. However, the tweets related to these scams have since been removed from Mayweather's account.

The accusations against Mayweather highlight the potential risks associated with the rapidly growing NFT market. As the popularity of NFTs continues to rise, so does the number of scams related to them. This incident serves as a reminder for investors to exercise caution when dealing with NFTs and other digital assets.#Write2Earn #NFTScam $BTC