All Notcoin holders must withdraw their Notcoins from the Notcoin bot to their personal wallets before June 16, 2024. Any Notcoins left in the bot after this date will be permanently burned. 🔥

This is a critical reminder to act quickly to protect your investment. Make sure to transfer your Notcoins to a secure wallet to avoid any potential loss. Remember, this only applies to Notcoins held in the bot. If your Notcoins are staked, you don’t need to worry—they will not be affected and will not be burned. ❤️‍🔥

Your timely action is crucial. Please ensure you take the necessary steps to safeguard your Notcoins and check your holdings well before the deadline. Don’t wait until the last minute!

Help spread the word to fellow Notcoin holders and loved ones to ensure everyone is informed and can take appropriate action. Share this important information across your networks to prevent any unnecessary loss of Notcoins.

For any questions or assistance, reach out to the support team or community moderators. Stay vigilant and proactive to protect your assets.

#Notcoin #cleefdinerogaming