Everyone is excited about Trump saying that he is PRO bitcoin and PRO crypto. If you've been trading for quite sometime now, you know that once upon a time, TRUMP has stabbed BTC for so many times.

Back in 2019, BTC was hovering at its local top which is 11k-13k when all of sudden TRUMP, who was the US president at that time, tweeted horrible things about it. The short rally spiraled down, crashing at rock bottom. Yeah, his tweet just kick started the bear market.

I'm happy that he somehow changed his mind, but I'm not too excited about it. He may not keep his words, and that could spell horror to the crypto world.

We need solid crypto supporters like Michael Saylor running for US president. He is the only diamond hand, Man of words. But Trump, No, I have so many doubts.

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Attached is his 2019 tweet 👇