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1️⃣ What is Cedefi, what is its relationship with the Manta network, and what are the future developments

➡️ First, let me explain to you what Cedefi is, then we will begin by explaining Cedefi Manta Network

2️⃣ What is CeDeFi?

CeDeFi is a consortium that combines the best features and attributes of the CeFi and DeFi financial systems.

For some time now, financial systems have been divided into centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi). 

CeFi is a traditional finance system backed by banks, while DeFi is based on cryptocurrencies and smart contracts.

However, a new system has emerged, “CeDeFi”, which is a combination of centralized and decentralized finance. 

3️⃣ What is CeDeFi, and how does it work?

CeDeFi offers the same features as DeFi protocols while being centralized, allowing people to access DeFi products such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs), liquidity pools, and lending protocols – yet still benefit from the advantages of CeFi systems.

Overall, the CeDeFi ecosystem, which is a mix of centralized and decentralized models, aims to improve on the traditional cryptocurrency model to allow faster transactions, improved security, larger transaction volume and relatively lower fees than traditional systems.

4️⃣ Are there any CeDeFi protocols?

Some of the most common examples of CeDeFi protocols are MakerDAO, Synthetix, and Compound, which offer DeFi-like capabilities. Another example is the Midas.Investments platform for investing in cryptocurrencies.

MakerDAO, Synthetix, and Compound are all built on the Ethereum blockchain. 

Midas.Investments updated its platform in August 2022 to integrate CeDeFi strategies. 

According to the Midas team, the new approach aims to reverse the image of DeFi by creating smart contracts to handle asset management under various lending protocols. This includes lending, borrowing and soft leverage, ideally allowing capital to flow into the DeFi space.

As with many CeDeFi endeavors, Midas aims to provide its clients with DeFi options tailored to their risk profile while allowing access to CeFi hedging tools. To understand CeDeFi better, let's first understand CeFi and DeFi.

5️⃣ What is CeFi?

CeFi is a regulated financial institution that allows consumers to borrow or lend cryptocurrencies through a regulated exchange.

It works similarly to the traditional banking industry. Users use their cryptocurrency as collateral when borrowing money or earn interest on it when lending. The CeFi platform acts as the “custodian” of your digital assets. When you give up control of your cryptocurrency, CeFi “holds” it to make money. And if the platform is hacked, your assets could be at risk.

CeFi has a larger market share than DeFi because CeFi platforms are more widely used. Binance, Coinbase, and Diem are among the popular CeFi platforms. However, due to CeFi's exorbitant transaction fees that result from third-party involvement, and the lack of transparency and full ownership of your digital assets, DeFi has become popular.

6️⃣ What is DeFi?

DeFi refers to a wide range of financial products and services built on blockchain technologies in the public blockchain space. It works outside traditional centralized systems such as banks and credit cards.

It can be accessed through decentralized applications (DApps), which operate on a peer-to-peer basis, eliminating the need for central authorities such as banks, credit card companies or intermediaries. 

With DeFi, anyone can access alternative financial systems such as lending and borrowing.

On CeFi, a central exchange handles all cryptocurrency trading, meaning users do not have access to private keys or actually own their cryptocurrencies. They are also subject to the exchange's terms and conditions, prices and gas fees.

In contrast, DeFi users have complete control over their funds since there is no central authority handling transactions. Instead, the blockchain-based protocol allows users to buy, sell, store and trade their funds as they wish. Both DeFi and CeFi have their pros and cons. 

CeFi makes it easy to convert fiat currencies into cryptocurrencies, unlike DeFi. 

But DeFi is permissionless and does not require a KYC process

7️⃣ Who introduced CeDeFi to the cryptocurrency market?

Binance is playing a big role in the emergence of CeDeFi – it was Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, who coined the term “CeDeFi” in September 2020, during the launch of Binance Smart Chain.

Given that Ethereum's popularity is due to its smart contract functionality, Binance also realized that it had to create another blockchain network to compete with Ethereum and the DeFi ecosystem. As a result, Binance renamed its existing blockchain network to BNB Smart Chain, a fork of Ethereum with some improvements for low fees and high transaction throughput.

Although criticized by decentralization advocates, the BNB chain has grown significantly since September 2020, thanks to its ability to quickly fund projects, giving rise to CeDeFi.

In addition to Binance, investors can create hedging return streams through existing cryptocurrencies using Midas' hybrid CeDeFi investment platform for reliable passive income. Furthermore, Midas claims to have a huge network of back-ends in the volatile cryptocurrency market seeking to hedge and protect the front-end investment options offered to individuals.

Integration with Fireblocks' highly secure cryptocurrency storage and transfer technology has protected the Midas digital ecosystem. For stored custodial assets, FireBlocks provides commercial-grade digital protection.

8️⃣ What are the advantages of CeDeFi?

Among the advantages of CeDeFi are lower fees, better security, accessibility, speed, and lower cost.

CeDeFi's innovative approach to decentralized banking allows users to trade CeDeFi crypto assets without the need for a central exchange. This means that users may transact directly with each other, eliminating the need for an intermediary.

Among the main advantages of CeDeFi are low fees. CeDeFi transactions cost less than those on similar platforms because there are fewer intermediaries involved, especially on non-Ethereum networks.

Ethereum has very high gas fees, for example, fees with DEX transactions reach hundreds of dollars. It also often causes network congestion issues, resulting in delays. 

On the other hand, Binance CeDeFi has much lower fees and speeds up transactions by allowing users to accept fees in a few seconds.

Another advantage is improved security. Hackers will find it more difficult to break into the CeDeFi network compared to traditional banking systems due to the decentralized structure of the network.

Additionally, CeDeFi is incredibly accessible as anyone with an Ethereum wallet can leverage CeDeFi protocols. It also lowers barriers to entry for less experienced users and enables them to explore more about DeFi by offering trading options verified by multiple standards, including KYC and fees.

Financial transactions made through CeDeFi can also be processed much faster than those made through traditional financial systems. This is because CeDeFi does not need to wait for approval from a third party, which can take from several days to weeks.

CeDeFi technologies are also more flexible than traditional financial systems, allowing them to be modified to meet the needs of each user. For example, the Yield Automated Portfolio (YAP) strategy by Midas diversifies portfolio risk by exposing investors to a variety of assets without the burden of purchasing separate crypto assets. Most importantly, YAPs go through monthly rebalancing without any additional expenses for investors to maximize profits. 

By locking in profits from better performing assets while reinvesting in underperforming assets, this rebalancing enables Midas to take advantage of market volatility to hopefully provide consistent portfolio growth over the long term.

Furthermore, since projects and tokens are rigorously evaluated and reviewed by CeDeFi exchanges, more secure transactions are possible. CeDeFi offers greater privacy than traditional payment systems because its decentralized network makes it difficult for third parties to track user transactions.

9️⃣ What are the disadvantages of CeDeFi?

Currently, the main downside of CeDeFi is the high learning curve associated with its protocols due to their complexity. The concept is still young, and more user-friendly interfaces are bound to emerge over time.

CeDeFi also relies heavily on Ethereum, given that most CeDeFi protocols are still built on the Ethereum blockchain. If Ethereum fails, CeDeFi will likely fail too. However, this risk is mitigated by the fact that other blockchains have already started adopting CeDeFi protocols.

Another drawback of CeDeFi is that it is still relatively new and unproven. Although the sector has witnessed tremendous growth in the past year, it is still in its infancy. As such, CeDeFi protocols are subject to high volatility and therefore may not yet be ready for mass adoption.

🔟 Finally, CeDeFi is not without its share of scams. 

Due to lack of regulation, there have been many scams in the CeDeFi space. Therefore, it is imperative that you be careful, use only reputable CeDeFi protocols and see CeDeFi as a possible solution to integrate DeFi products and applications into mainstream financial systems.

1️⃣1️⃣ Now an explanation about Manta's Cedefi

Manta CeDeFi unlocks opportunities directly to on-chain users beyond simply DeFi solutions. This CeFi + DeFi (CeDeFi) combination brings users with institutional-grade compliance and extensive financial agility, through which Manta CeDeFi enables USDT, USDC, wUSDM, WBTC, BTCB, ETH, and STONE holders to earn more: including CeFi’s stable strategy arbitrage, DeFi yields on Manta Pacific, and $MANTA token incentives.

1️⃣2️⃣ Earn CeFi and DeFi Yields with Security

Manta CeDefi introduces a unique feature: CeFi and DeFi yields are generated in parallel. This ecosystem offers two permanent types of earnings and one limited-time opportunity for BTC/ETH/USD holders. The permanent earnings include CeFi opportunities and on-chain activities, while the limited-opportunity earnings are rewarded in Manta tokens through a 2-month points program that encourages early adoption of Manta CeDeFi.

1️⃣3️⃣ CeFi Regulatory Custody

Manta Network is working with Ceffu (formerly Binance Custody) to bring the highest standards of security and compliance when it comes to managing crypto assets. The staked crypto assets will be secured by Ceffu, and users receive an on-chain Liquid Custody Token (LCT) on Manta Pacific corresponding to their deposit. An LCT is similar to an LST in the sense that it is a liquid derivative of the original asset. In the case of Manta Pacific’s LCTs, the following LCTs will be distributed (referred to as mTokens):

  • WBTC/BTCB -> mBTC;



Upon depositing USDT/USDC/wUSDM/wBTC/BTCB/ETH/STONE, you will automatically receive Liquid Custody Tokens representing your deposit on Manta Pacific, which can be redeemed for mBTC / mETH / mUSD (these LST assets will be collectively referred to as mTokens) shares.

1️⃣4️⃣ Simplified Management of Diversified Assets

Users will have access to a range of asset management services, each with unique strategies and tailored incentive plans. You can choose to use these services while connecting your mBTC/mETH/mUSD to Manta Pacific. Daily asset income can be viewed on the dashboard, and detailed information on the latest strategies and their benefits can be found on the asset management page.

1️⃣4️⃣ Minimum Staked Amounts

To take advantage of Manta CeDeFi, users must meet the minimum requirements for staking their assets:

1️⃣5️⃣ Manta CeDeFi Earnings Structure

To amplify the returns on USDT/USDC/wUSDM/wBTC/BTCB/ETH/STONE assets pledged in CeDeFi, Manta CeDeFi’s asset earnings are divided into three parts, each providing users with unique opportunities to make a profit. Here is a deeper exploration of each revenue stream based on the provided chart:

1️⃣6️⃣ CeFi Earnings: Ceffu MirrorX’s On-chain CeFi Yield and Funding Rate Arbitrage

In Manta CeDeFi, we integrate CeFi for secure TVL management via Ceffu’s custody, ensuring compliance & security. Assets are mirrored on Manta Pacific chain via Ceffu’s MirrorX, ensuring transparency.

Ceffu generates revenue through Delta-neutral, low-risk trading strategies enabled by MirrorX. This off-exchange settlement solution reflects assets on Binance, minimizing counterparty risk & accessing deep liquidity. Transparency in on-chain asset tracking is ensured by Ceffu’s MirrorX.

1️⃣7️⃣ Defi Earnings: Defi Earnings from Manta Pacific On-chain Projects

Apart from accessing CeFi opportunities, Manta Pacific, the largest live modular L2, hosts various opportunities in the DeFi side. Currently, the Manta ecosystem has more than 200 ecological projects, and there will be more projects to support the assets in Manta CeDefi

1️⃣8️⃣ MANTA Points and Token Airdrops

Moreover, you can also earn MANTA points and receive monthly MANTA airdrops to boost your returns.

Furthermore, Manta Pacific always encourages teamwork and making frens. With the Manta CeDeFi event, you can build your teams as well to meet team goals. When the total value of individual or team DEPOSIT reaches the specified amount, you can get rewards:

Through Manta CeDefi, USDT/USDC/wUSDM/wBTC/BTCB/ETH/STONE holders can earn both Cefi and Defi rewards, as well as MANTA incentives and ecosystem projects‘ incentives, making Cefi assets. Transform Cefi assets from passive assets into active assets.

1️⃣9️⃣ Manta CeDeFi Crossed $100M In TVL After One Week

Depositors are racing to qualify for the Manta CeDeFi points program before the project tags $500 million in TVL. Manta's new CeDeFi product is off to a bullish start, with the project attracting more than $120 million in assets within its first week.

2️⃣0️⃣ Manta's Modular and ZK Proof Technology Advantages

ZK Applications and Manta Network’s Role

Enabling ZK Applications

Manta Network plays a pivotal role in enabling ZK applications. By leveraging its innovative technology, Manta Network provides the necessary infrastructure for the development and deployment of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) applications. This enables developers to create decentralized applications that prioritize privacy, security, and efficiency.

Manta Network’s architecture is designed to support the unique requirements of ZK applications. It offers a robust framework that allows developers to integrate zero-knowledge proofs seamlessly into their projects. As a result, this empowers the broader blockchain ecosystem with advanced privacy features while maintaining high performance.

Enhancing Privacy and Security

Zero-knowledge proof technology is at the core of Manta Network’s role in enabling ZK applications. With zero-knowledge proofs, users can provide verifiable information without revealing any sensitive data. This cryptographic technique allows for secure transactions and interactions within decentralized systems while preserving user privacy.

For instance, consider a financial application built on Manta Network using zero-knowledge proofs. Users can prove ownership or eligibility for certain transactions without disclosing their account balances or transaction history. This level of privacy protection is essential for fostering trust and confidence among users interacting with decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

Manta Pacific Mainnet Capabilities

Cross-Chain Transactions

The Manta Network‘s Pacific Mainnet is designed to facilitate cross-chain transactions. This means that users can seamlessly transfer assets between different blockchains, such as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. For example, if a user wants to exchange an asset from the Ethereum blockchain for one on the Binance Smart Chain, they can do so directly through the Manta Pacific Mainnet. This capability enhances liquidity and accessibility across various blockchain ecosystems.

The ability to support cross-chain transactions also contributes to interoperability, which is crucial for the overall growth and development of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. With interoperability, different blockchains can communicate with each other and share data or value without friction. As a result, developers have more flexibility in creating innovative applications that leverage multiple blockchains simultaneously.

Speed and Low Transaction Costs

One of the standout features of the Manta Pacific Mainnet is its emphasis on speed and low transaction costs. When users initiate transactions on this network, they experience rapid confirmation times due to its efficient consensus mechanism. For instance, when compared to traditional financial systems or even some other blockchain networks, Manta’s high-speed processing ensures that transactions are confirmed swiftly.

Moreover, low transaction costs make it more affordable for users to participate in activities such as trading assets or utilizing DeFi protocols on the Manta Network. This cost-effectiveness encourages broader adoption of decentralized applications by reducing barriers related to fees usually associated with using blockchain platforms.

Modularity and Efficiency in Manta Network

Flexibility for Developers

Manta Network‘s modularity provides a crucial advantage by enhancing flexibility for developers. This means that the network’s architecture is designed to allow different components or modules to be easily integrated or removed without affecting the entire system. For instance, if a developer wants to add new features or functionalities, they can do so without disrupting the existing structure of the network. This modular approach simplifies development processes and enables faster innovation.

The scalability of Manta Network is greatly bolstered by its modular design. By allowing independent modules to function separately but still interoperate with other parts of the network, scalability becomes more manageable. As the demand for transactions increases, new modules can be added to handle additional workloads without overhauling the entire system. This ensures that as usage grows, Manta Network can adapt and expand smoothly without sacrificing performance.

2️⃣1️⃣ Manta Network's Business Development and Research Capabilities

enables reduced gas prices and more scalability, making it an ideal platform for decentralized apps. In July 2023, Manta Network announced the Manta Pacific Testnet, which is the first EVM-native modular execution layer.

What is Manta?

Manta Network is the multi-modular ecosystem for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications.

Manta offers two networks:

Manta Pacific, the unique L2 ecosystem on Ethereum for EVM-native ZK applications, provides a scalable and inexpensive gas-fee environment for ZK applications to deploy simply using Solidity.

Manta Atlantic, the fastest ZK L1 chain on Polkadot, brings programmable identities and credentials to web3 through zkSBTs.

Together, Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic deliver an unparalleled experience for the next generation of web3 application development and adoption with the applied usage of zero-knowledge cryptography.

Manta Network was created by a team of experienced founders from prestigious institutions, including Harvard, MIT, and Algorand. Manta Network has received investments from many top web3 investment funds, including Binance Labs and Polychain Capital. It has grown through participation in the best web3 accelerators, including Alliance DAO and Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator. Manta Network is poised to bring the next generation of web3 users and usher in a new chapter of web3 zkApp applications.

2️⃣2️⃣ This is a detailed explanation of Cedefi, an explanation of Manta and Cedefi, their method, some information about ZK PROOF, and information about Manta network developments.

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