The game in crypto has changed and you're not ready for what's about to come next.

Since the creation of the cryptocurrency market, it has been the first opportunity where regular people had the chance to frontrun Wall Street. We were told that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and crypto were the future and that they would change the world. And that there would eventually be a moment when this market goes mainstream; causing a stampede rush into crypto that would cause prices to pump at a mind-melting pace. The end result is that cryptocurrency would cause the largest transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen. And the people who have been investing throughout the years would be able to take advantage and become the new wealthy elite.

However, years have gone by and this "transfer of wealth" still hasn't occurred. This has caused many people in the crypto market to keep asking "When?"

The answer is now.

The truth is that we are in an unprecedented place in Bitcoin and crypto's history. The Bitcoin spot ETF being approved at the beginning of 2024 was the shot that was heard around the world. Causing Bitcoin's price to skyrocket at a much faster-expected pace. For the first time in its history, we saw Bitcoin make a new all-time high before the BTC halving occurred. Rising all the way up to $73k. All of a sudden what we thought was impossible for Bitcoin's price, has become possible. Talks of Bitcoin reaching prices of $250k, $500k, or even above $1 million within a few years don't sound quite so outlandish anymore