The market continues to adjust its trend, and there was no stop signal yesterday. The supply further expanded, which is not an ideal adjustment trend. The sudden market downturn is likely due to the excessive leverage ratio of ETH and a large number of speculative contract bets on the approval of ETF, which attracted targeted attacks from large funds. The price difference between the high and low points of ETH yesterday was about 11%. This magnitude of adjustment will wipe out almost all high leverage positions, so it is reasonable for the coin price to adjust in the short term. The support level for Bitcoin is between 66000-67000. As long as this support level is not breached, the coin price will continue to fluctuate and trend upwards within the range. I have been mentioning recently that Bitcoin will not rise quickly and start a new trend, which is related to its formation. It is more beneficial for chip structure optimization to shake within the range. Hold patiently and wait.