Let's think about!

1️⃣All project levels are executed in accordance with Roadmap✅

2️⃣ CORE and #opbnb is knocking in #THENA_FI door ✅

It will be big steps to grow THENA ecosystem 👍

3️⃣New partnerships and collaborations:

✅The ICHI vaults on Thena is a new era of single token deposits

4️⃣More and more liquidity pools have been opened on THENA. For last one thanks to Helio Protocol: HAY/FRAX and SbBNB/BNB 🤑

5️⃣And of course the strong communication between Gods of project like Theseus, Apollo, Xermes and other with friendly community which you can join to🔥

#BNBChain #opbnb