"" Bit Coin Hashlate is an indicator that represents the hash power of the bit coin network. The hash power is used to protect the network from hacking and verify the transaction. The increase of the hassle means that the security of the bit coin network is being enhanced, which means that as the importer value enhancement of the bit coin is improved, the essential value increased. On July 8th, the Bit Coin Hashlate has been stagnated after reaching the highest in history. As the price rise is stagnated and the possibility of adjustment is increased, the minerals are raised by fearing the price declining as they cash the mining bit coin. The ministries may cause mining efficiencies to purchase better equipment to purchase better equipment to raise positive efficiency if the mining competition is overheated. Some minorities seem to stop cash or mining because the bit coin does not increase for $ 31K for three months. But I do not think they need to worry about their selling pressure. This movement is often generated in the past recovery phase, and it was because the number of prices was increased by increasing the price of prices. Ultimately, the bite coin hasslature increases, means that the bit coin is more supplied (mining). The meaning is that the bit coin is limited than the legal currency, which means that the amount of production is high and the cost is high, 'Because it is limited to increasing the supply, the low / flow rate, The claim that is higher than that' is also suffering from traditional financial institution investors recently. Therefore, the rise in the Harashilate due to mining competition in the recovery phase is temporarily increasing the solid pressure to the ministries, but if the price is adjusted, the purchase pressure is increased if the price is adjusted, and the price is likely to rise again. High. In the end, the price rise will resume mining activity, and the hash rate is likely to rise. #Hashrate #bitcoin