Bulgaria has been making waves in the world of fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups, with an increasing number of businesses relocating to the country in recent years. The country offers a range of benefits to these startups, including a favorable regulatory environment, a highly skilled workforce, and a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why global fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups are moving to Bulgaria and the benefits of doing business in the country.

Favorable Regulatory Environment:

Bulgaria has a progressive regulatory environment for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups. The country has a favorable tax system, a low-cost business environment, and a range of initiatives aimed at supporting the growth of these industries. Additionally, Bulgaria's membership in the European Union provides companies with access to a large market and the regulatory framework of the EU.

Skilled Workforce:

Bulgaria has a highly skilled and educated workforce in the technology sector, including fintech, blockchain, and crypto. The country has a strong focus on STEM fields, with a large number of technical universities and vocational schools producing graduates with expertise in computer science, engineering, and mathematics. This makes it an ideal destination for startups looking for talented and qualified employees.

Strategic Location:

Bulgaria's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it an ideal destination for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups looking to expand globally. The country is well-connected to major transportation networks, including highways, railroads, and airports, providing easy access to both regions. This strategic location also offers opportunities for collaboration and partnerships with startups and businesses from other countries.

Low Operating Costs:

Bulgaria offers low operating costs compared to many other European countries, making it an attractive destination for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups looking to save on costs. The cost of living is also significantly lower, making it easier for startups to attract and retain talent. The country offers a range of affordable office spaces, coworking spaces, and business incubators, providing startups with a range of options to choose from.

Favorable Tax System:

Bulgaria offers a favorable tax system for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups, with a flat corporate tax rate of 10%. This is significantly lower than the average corporate tax rate in the European Union, which is around 21%. The country also has a flat personal income tax rate of 10%, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and high-net-worth individuals.

Supportive Ecosystem:

Bulgaria has a supportive ecosystem for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups, with a range of programs and initiatives aimed at helping these startups succeed. The country has a number of startup accelerators, incubators, and co-working spaces, providing entrepreneurs with the resources and support they need to grow their businesses.


Bulgaria has a well-developed and modern infrastructure, including a high-speed internet connection, which is essential for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups. The country has invested significantly in building out its digital infrastructure, including the development of e-government services, making it easier for businesses to operate online.


Bulgaria has emerged as a thriving destination for fintech, blockchain, and crypto startups, offering a range of benefits to these businesses. The country's favorable regulatory environment, skilled workforce, strategic location, low operating costs, favorable tax system, supportive ecosystem, and modern infrastructure make it an attractive destination for startups looking to expand their business globally.

As these industries continue to grow and evolve, Bulgaria is likely to remain a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the fintech, blockchain, and crypto sectors.

With its business-friendly environment and highly skilled workforce, Bulgaria is well-positioned to become a leader in these industries. As more and more startups choose to relocate to the country, we can expect to see continued growth and innovation in these fields, making Bulgaria an exciting destination for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

The article first appeared on: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bulgaria-emerges-thriving-destination-fintech-crypto-ninov-mba/

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