Meet the Women Behind Binance

Main Takeaways

The number of female employees at Binance is above the industry average for tech companies.

Binance offers guidance and career advice for women through female mentorship programs.

Anyone interested in joining our mission to increase the freedom of money can check out our career space.

Women's History Month (March 1-31) is a time to recognize and celebrate the important contributions and achievements of women. As Women’s History Month draws to a close, we take the opportunity to bring you edited highlights from a session we held on Binance Live featuring three of Binance’s top female leaders:

Yi He, Co-Founder and CMO of Binance

Helen Hai, Binance Executive VP and Head of Binance Charity

Frida Vargas, General Manager at Binance Mexico

During the 30-minute session, these three inspirational Binancians took time to share their personal career experiences, explore the topic of gender in tech, and discuss Binance’s commitment to increasing the presence of women in Web3.Â