
Hi, I'm just a tech nerd.

I study technology daily.

I do a lot of self-directed learning, and I don't do it to prove anything to anyone.

I do it in the hope of one day being able to build my own larger project.

I do it because I am interested in technology and like the combination and the way the world is becoming more and more digitalized.

What would you have now if you had invested?

No, nobody cares about what you could possibly have earned if you had done something earlier.

This is my opinion, but I see many posts on this topic where some people tell others how much they could have earned. I want to do it differently. Everything I write, post, or share from other people's posts will be my opinion and what I believe in within crypto projects.

**Why am I mentioning and posting this now?**

I am doing this because I want to make it clear that I do not recommend anyone to invest based on my posts. I recommend everyone to do their own research before getting into any projects.

I mention this here to further inform that everything I will post will be about what I believe will happen in the short term primarily and in a few cases in the long term. The only time I will include and talk about the past is in updates on how what I believed in has performed, or in historical summaries. When I update this, I will always use symbols like Bullish/Bearish based on my posts.

I want to say a big thank you to those who welcome me kindly, and I hope this will be content that will be more interesting to my followers than posts about how rich you could have been if you had done something.
