What's your favorite currency?

Meme is sweeping the market with a viral speed, and these humorous narrative behaviors are easy to get investors' preferences.

You think the Wde3.0 market is like this (BTC) (ETH) (BNB) and other tall projects!

But the truth is only we know where every opportunity to get rich comes from 🐶🐰🐭🐷🐸🐍🐝🐡🐓🐖🐈,🌚 Damn it!

Haha, although this is very funny, but with this type of narrative, it is really loved by the public, such as I am one of them. ?

Remember the dog's head of social media swiping in 2022? 🐶

for most novice investors has a very high temptation! .

Because everyone around me has a bunch of 🐶 in their wallet.