According to Odaily, Coin98 Analytics has released statistics on the most active independent addresses within the past 30 days. The top 15 SocialFi applications are as follows: UXLINK, Galxe, Layer3, KGeN, CARV, Dmail Network, Chingari, Revox, StarryNift, MomoAI, Hooked, Spacebar, QuestN, Cyber, and Friendtech.

These applications have seen a significant increase in user activity, indicating a growing interest in SocialFi platforms. UXLINK leads the pack, followed by Galxe and Layer3. Other notable mentions include KGeN and CARV, which have also seen a surge in active addresses.

The data suggests a dynamic shift in the SocialFi landscape, with users increasingly turning to these platforms for their social finance needs. The rise in active addresses is a positive sign for the SocialFi sector, indicating robust user engagement and potential for future growth.