A new Executive Vote is live on the Maker Governance portal. 🗳️ https://t.co/2T1WqZsvsV MKR holders and delegates can use their voting power to implement the changes listed below if they support them. If this executive proposal passes, the following actions will be deployed within the Maker Protocol: 📊 Stability Scope Parameter Updates As per the recommendation of the Stability Scope Advisory Council Member, BA Labs, the following Stability Fees will be changed: • Decrease the ETH-A Stability Fee to 8.25%. • Decrease the ETH-B Stability Fee to 8.75%. • Decrease the ETH-C Stability Fee to 8.00%. • Decrease the WSTETH-A Stability Fee to 9.25%. • Decrease the WSTETH-B Stability Fee to 9.00%. • Decrease the WBTC-A Stability Fee to 9.75%. • Decrease the WBTC-B Stability Fee to 10.25%. • Decrease the WBTC-C Stability Fee to 9.50%. 📊 Dai Savings Rate (DSR) Change As per the recommendation of BA Labs, the following change to the DSR will be made: • Decrease the DSR by 2 percentage points to 8.00%. ⚡ Spark Proxy Spell A Spark Proxy Spell at 0x901E4450f01ae1A2615E384b9104888Cb9Cb02FF will be triggered. It includes the following change: • Activate a new Dai Interest Rate Module to reduce the Spark Effective Dai Borrow Rate to 9%. 💸 Aligned Delegate Compensation for April 2024 The transfer detailed in the vote totalling 208.09 MKR for Aligned Delegate Compensation will be made to qualifying Aligned Delegates. 🗣️ Whistleblower Bounty As a bounty for the information leading to the derecognition of AD TrueName, the following transfer will be made: • Transfer 20.84 MKR to forum user Compacter at 0xbbd4bC3FE72691663c6ffE984Bcdb6C6E6b3a8Dd. 🤖 Keeper Network Job Update The Keeper Network's D3MJob will be updated through the following contract calls: • sequencer.removeJob(0x1Bb799509b0B039345f910dfFb71eEfAc7022323) • sequencer.addJob(0x2Ea4aDE144485895B923466B4521F5ebC03a0AeF) 🏗️ Launch Project Funding The following transfers will be made to the Launch Project at 0x3C5142F28567E6a0F172fd0BaaF1f2847f49D02F: • Transfer 5,358,007 DAI to the Launch Project. • Transfer 1,969.17 MKR to the Launch Project. 🐞 Bug Bounty Payout The following transfers will be made as part of the Bug Bounty Program: • Transfer 50,000 DAI to the bug reporter at 0xa24EC79bdF03bB325F36878573B13AedFEd0717f. • Transfer 5,000 DAI to Immunefi at 0x7119f398b6C06095c6E8964C1f58e7C1BAa79E18. MKR holders and delegates, now is the time to engage, vote, and shape the future direction of MakerDAO. Vote directly through the Executive Proposal: https://t.co/2T1WqZsvsV or Delegate your MKR to one or more Recognized Delegates: