🚀 Hold onto your hats, BTC enthusiasts! The legal tussle between Ripple and the SEC is heating up! 🔥 The focus is on whether a key witness's declaration is standard evidence or unsolicited expert testimony. As we all eagerly await the court's decision, whispers of a potential settlement this summer are making the rounds. 🌞

The drama began in December 2020 and has been escalating in recent weeks. The SEC filed its opposition to Ripple's motion to strike new expert materials on April 29, insisting that the key witness's declaration is "standard summary evidence." 📝

Ripple, however, isn't backing down. It argues that the declaration is an unsolicited expert opinion and that the SEC failed to disclose the witness before the end of the discovery process. 🥊

Meanwhile, the SEC has filed its remedies reply brief and supporting exhibits under seal, marking the end of the briefs phase. Now, both parties are playing the waiting game for the judge's ruling. ⚖️

American lawyer Jeremy Hogan predicts a $100 million settlement this summer, which is far less than the $2 billion penalty sought by the SEC and much more than the $10 million Ripple agreed to pay. 💰

Stay tuned, folks! This legal rollercoaster ride is far from over! 🎢