The world of cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin in particular, is notorious for its growth that is often difficult to comprehend from the perspective of value. Many investors share this opinion as one of them even mentions that it felt like a “roller-coaster” to watch Bitcoin skyrocket in four to five years. Renowned crypto expert PlanB has shared his BTC journey so far and made future predictions too. While paying $400 dollars for one Bitcoin in 2015 sparked “doubts whether it is a productive use of one’s cash”, only to grow tenfold shortly via halving mechanism, its continued performance left no room for doubt.

I understand 10x every halving cycle is not easy too grasp. I remember in 2015 when bitcoin was $400 and I made my first investment, most people said it would not again 10x in 4 years and that the price curve would flatten. Then in 2019 BTC was $4000, my first 10x, and I wrote…

— PlanB (@100trillionUSD) May 4, 2024

PlanB Says BTC Historically Achieves 10x Growth

In 2019, the price of Bitcoin hit $4000, realizing the first 10x growth for any of the investors, including the one who tells this story. Following the historic achievement, an article was writte by him on the Stock-to-Flow model, outlining the average price target of $55k for the 2020-2024 halving cycle. This article was met with a lot of skepticism and death spiral. Yet, it remains true until this day.

In 2021, as Bitcoin traded around $63k, experiencing another 10x gain since the first investment in 2015, exponential growth continues to be the center of the universe. From $400 to $63k, this is the story of Bitcoin and all other investments in the form of exponential growth, all in the face of skepticism, fear, and doubt.

In addition, in a separate but relevant tweet, PlanB has made his predictions for next two cycles of Bitcoin. As per him, BTC will reach $500k and $4M in 2028 and 2032 respectively.

The Bitcoin Journey, From Doubt to Exponential Growth

In addition to this, the investor contemplates the importance of knowing what exponential growth means for new technologies the likes of Bitcoin. During the S-curve, representing a logistic function, careful correlations can be made from the exponential growth phase before reaching an acceptance rate of about 50 percent.

In this sense, the investor’s exposure from a skeptical state to multiple 10x growth cycles validates the disruptive potential of Bitcoin. Further, this experience serves as a warning post-exponential sustainability within the cryptos space.