Here is an article about the comments made by the Internet Computer ($ICP) founder regarding other blockchains:

In a bold statement, Dominic Williams, the founder and chief scientist of the Internet Computer ($ICP) blockchain, has criticized the majority of existing blockchain projects, labeling them as "junk."

Williams, who has been a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency community since the early days of Bitcoin and Ethereum, made the remarks during a recent interview. He did not mince words when discussing the state of the blockchain industry.

"Let's be honest, 95% of the blockchains out there are just junk, and they're just a complete waste of time," Williams stated emphatically. "They don't solve any real problems, they don't have any real use cases, and they're just a bunch of hype and speculation."

The Internet Computer founder went on to explain that the majority of blockchain projects are simply trying to cash in on the hype surrounding the technology, without actually providing any meaningful solutions or innovations.

"These projects are just trying to raise money, they're not trying to solve real problems," Williams said. "They're just riding the wave of blockchain mania, and they're not actually doing anything useful."

In contrast, Williams believes that the Internet Computer blockchain, which his company DFINITY Foundation developed, is one of the few blockchain projects that is truly pushing the boundaries of what the technology can do.

"The Internet Computer is a fundamentally different kind of blockchain," Williams said. "We're not just trying to create another cryptocurrency or another smart contract platform. We're trying to reinvent the entire internet, to create a new decentralized infrastructure that can power the next generation of online applications and services."

Williams' comments come at a time when the blockchain industry is facing increasing scrutiny and skepticism from both regulators and the general public. With so many projects promising revolutionary solutions, but failing to deliver, it's not surprising that some industry leaders are becoming more vocal in their criticism.

Whether or not Williams' assessment of the blockchain industry is accurate, his comments are sure to stir up further debate and discussion within the crypto community. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see which projects and leaders emerge as the true innovators and problem-solvers.