I have said it before. I’ll say it again and again

Those of you rushing into the market right now because you've seen a slight rise in the price of BTC to $66k will be in shambles days from now .The whales are experimenting with the market with these price increases. Do not fall for this trap .

If you look at today’s graph (1d) and the graph before the bullrun back in 2021 it’s closely identical. BTC makes is shoulder head shoulder pattern, now it will slightly go up before plunging into the ground.

Only a matter of days before the market bleeds and you’ll all be in loss, wait for the market to dip and invest!

It's not a real rise in price, if you're dumping your money into BTC right now you'll be running at a very huge loss in a few days time as the price of BTC will likely be dipping down in coming days .

Save yourself from loss and stay away from the market right now because the entire market is weak and ardour is generally weak and cold.

Whatever direction the market is going right now is not stable. Please keep your money. This is not the right time to get in.

This is not a financial advice please DYOR. Please share your thoughts on this