*Watch out for wrong numbers*

1. when price of a crypto would already have rise and fall for example from like ena from 0.94 to 112 and vice versa then after 30 minutes u would see a post stating ena target blah blah but dont miss entry point which has already passed half an hour ago🤬.

2. some would be posting after hours later when an a dump or pump already took place, oh follow me, i had told my followers that would happend and all targets achieved.🥱🥱😴😴

3.some would be sending signlas like they are signals towers.

for God sake! stop making us fool, 1st april has already been passed but april has not yet passed for you it seems. if you are such philanthropist why dont you teach us those skills so we dont rely on anybody.

i advised all to waisting there time here to read all useless post to get manipulated in trade for market santiments, you should visit binance acadmy and read charts analysis techniqes and do some research your self to make your self knowledgeable so you dont rely on someones signals or falling for traps.

dont follow me as i am not worthy of to be followed, just giving me a thumbs up is more than enough to encourage me to spread some awareness.