The Bitcoin halving took an unexpected turn!!

It seems like bitcoin miners had quite the party on April 20, managing to hit a record breaking revenue of $107 million!

They managed to pull this off all thanks to the bitcoin halving and runes protocol.

Bitcoin halving is like a celestial event in the crypto universe where the reward for bitcoin miners is reduced by half. On April 19 the reward went from 6.25 BTC down to a mere 3.125 BTC. It’s like a game of “how low can you go?” but with crypto.

You might think the miners would be crying about this event but they managed to make lemonade from lemons. A giant 75.44% of their revenue was made from the bitcoin network fees, which skyrocketed to record-level highs. It’s like finding a cheat code for secret treasure on the blockchain.

And what fueled this surge in transactions? It was the Runes protocol, a new token protocol launched alongside the bitcoin halving. It’s like a digital gold rush, with miners rushing to mint fresh tokens and claim their stake in the bitcoin network. The competition was so fierce that the transaction fees reached unprecedented heights.

This is another tale of people striking riches in the face of adversity. It just goes to show that anything can happen in the world of crypto. Who knows what other surprises the blockchain has in store for us.

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