There are three type of investors in #Crypto and Stock Trading.

One who cannot leave the market at any cost even they want to, they liquidate all their investments and try to keep USD's but they invest again and repeat the cycle many times, it's in their physcii and this cause them end up in losses especially when market is in bearish mode, they always try to find ways to recover their losses with hopes that market will recover.

Second one are those who invests with long-term strategy, they mostly come up with 5 years of plan, they don't really get bothered about market situations and invest with proper prior research, they mostly endup in 20% to 30% gains or even break even.

Thirdly those who have huge funds, they are bunch of groups mostly called 'Whales', they understands the human physci and mostly associated with market manipulation and speculation, they creates panic in the market and once price comes down to bottom they buy the coins/stocks and sale at higher prices making significant gains and most successful one's despite being unethical but honestly they don't care.

Choose in which category you falls, mostly people with low investments and do short trades or futures are the one's gets damaged the most which is type one as mentioned above.

So be vigilant and be wise when you invests in financial industry.

Keep following me for more valuable analysis and successful signals and don't get trapped by so called 'Whales'.
