This lesson cost my client $250K+ in marketing spend.

We were marketing his project heavily in one channel.

In the beginning, we were crushing it.

70,000+ holders in three weeks.

Community members joined so fast it was like spam.

After a few weeks? Our growth rate started to stall.

So, what happened?

Diminishing Returns and "Fatigue"

Eventually, people stop converting.

They've seen the promo too many times and already made up their minds.

The problem?

By the time I realized this wasn't working, we already spent a lot of money!

Two lessons:

– Attribution is key

Know what's working/not working through measurement

– Mix it up

For example, using the same KOL for months will usually be a waste.

Hit your audience through a variety of touch points and methods.

#marketing #CryptoBloodbath #agency #gains