Sometimes minor updates take place, and various systems get improved here and there.

But sometimes… Things just straight up level up, and we, humanity, realize we just passed a point of no return.

Here are some important events that are slowly, but surely, leading us towards this direction.

  • In February, the Optimism team introduced the concept of Superchain — a protocol that will unite several networks into a single ecosystem.

  • In March, Arbitrum introduced an analog of Superchain — the Arbitrum Orbit tool for creating its own network ecosystem.

  • And a couple of days ago, Polygon announced version 2.0, which essentially is an analog of Superchain and Orbit.

We better don’t ignore the latter. The Global Update Polygon 2.0 is something to be well aware of.

What is already known?

Polygon 2.0 is a radical redesign of every element of Polygon, from the protocol architecture to tokenomics and governance.

The developers will create a protocol based on Zero-knowledge, which will unite Layer-2 networks into a single ecosystem.

These networks will have unified liquidity and unlimited scalability.

Important point: nothing will change for users.

Interaction with Polygon 2.0 will be perceived as using a single blockchain.

The developers will share other innovations on June 19 and 26.

And they will talk about the evolution of the MATIC token and governance on July 10 and 17.

Now, it is clear in which direction the entire ecosystem will move.

If before the Layer-2 networks worked independently of each other and "pulled the blanket" over themselves, now they will be united into a single seamless ecosystem.

All of this can also contribute to the MATIC token getting out from under the scrutiny of the SEC.

Especially after the bankrupt crypto creditor Celsius announced, in the backdrop of stricter regulatory measures in the US, that all its clients' "altcoins" will be converted into Bitcoin and ETH, including MATIC.

And, if you took into account everything that’s currently happening… It wouldn’t be a surprise that Polygon would be the one who runs, so others could walk.

TL;DR: The introduction of Superchain, Arbitrum Orbit, and Polygon 2.0 are important events leading towards the integration of Layer-2 networks into a unified ecosystem with improved scalability and liquidity. Polygon 2.0 represents a radical redesign of Polygon, while maintaining a seamless user experience, and it may help the MATIC token evade regulatory scrutiny.

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