Recently, we witnessed a rapid increase in the usage of NerveNetwork’s products, especially NerveBridge! More and more crypto users started turning to NerveBridge for cross-chain transactions. In the community, we have received lots of memebers asking about Nerve’s underlying design and products manual. In response to this, Nerve has decided to address these concerns in today’s article!

Today’s article goes around “Knowing NerveNetwork,” and we will continue to release more episodes in the future about NerveNetwork’s products and provide some relevant product tips.

#NerveNetwork , established in 2020, is a decentralized digital asset service network developed using 

NULS‘s ChainBox technology. NerveNetwork aims to break the Isolated value island of the blockchain, establish a network that is suitable for multichain assets to interacte , and provide all the necessary underlying support for the Defi application ecosystem. Let every digital asset holder enjoys truly secure, free and transparent Defi application services.

NerveNetwork’s POCBFT Consensus Algorithm: An originality combination of POC and BFT

NerveNetwork adopts POCBFT, a consensus mechanism for independent innovation. POC refers to Proof of Credit, this is the consensus mechanism used by #NULS and BFT refers to Byzantine fault tolerance.

POC is a DPoS derived consensus mechanism that is very efficient, also it has an embedded mechanism to punish bad behaving nodes, and, of course, it allows all token holders to participate in staking and earn rewards.

BFT was added to the Tendermint consensus mechanism adopted by another well-known cross-chain project: Cosmos. Its performance is about 6 ~ 8 seconds while Nerve will likely reach a block speed of about 1 ~ 3 seconds. It can be seen that the combination of POC and BFT not only allows Nerve to inherit the advantages of the NULS POC consensus mechanism, but also allows Nerve to have an excellent performance.

NerveBridge is the core product of NerveNetwork that supports crosschain for 23 networks, including : Ethereum/ BNBChain/ Polygon/ Heco/ OKC/ Tron/ Avalanche/ Harmony/ KCC/ Cronos/ Arbitrum/ Fantom/ Metis/ Optimism/ IoTex/ smartBCH/ Klatyn/ KAVA EVM/ REI Network/ zkSync, and NULS. Since the launch of NerveNetwork, NerveBridge has assisted over 200+ tokens to circulate on other blockchains.