Is #Bitcoin     overvalued today? Let's find out:

19,675,000 Bitcoin are in circulation. At currently $68,400 per Bitcoin, that sums to ~1.35 trillion equivalent in US dollars.

While it came to this number, 838017 blocks were added to the Genesis block since early 2009. Over a period of 15 years, more and more energy, time and resources have been dedicated to the Bitcoin network every single minute by increasingly more people around the world, to in the end adding up to just 0.43% of the value of the current global debt of ~$313 trillion, caused by a broken monetary system.

The Bitcoin network right now is worth 0.43% of the world's total debt. These are just the ratios to global debt.

Again, is Bitcoin overvalued?

When you understand how uniquely Bitcoin works, which is in a decentralized way perfectly sophisticated symbiosis of many individual components working together like Swiss clockwork finely tuned hand in hand, all backed by physics and mathematics, which is the language of the universe and energy is its currency, then you realize almost in awe how light years away Bitcoin must be from the word 'overvalued'.

Bitcoin is so ridiculously undervalued that it is always worth buying Bitcoin - no matter when.

And to be honest: financial freedom is the smallest reason to own Bitcoin. The weight of these words gets heavier every day.