Unpopular opinion: Newbie should trade future*, never trade spot !


I'm joking ... spot and future has it's own purposes. Each requires different approaches and suits to the trader's personality.

People say newbie must not do future trading. That is very wrong. Do they mean go future trading later after passing the newbie tests ? Do they mean no newbie makes any profit there?

Anyway, i am a newbie.

I lost on spot trading more than i lost on future.

Spot trading teaches me to make excuses to justify my wrong decisions. The invincible feelings that time will bow and hand me my profits after a while. Holding some coins for years and then sold them just before august 2023 ouch ..

Future trading teaches me to make a back-up plan when things going against my judgements. The decision to enter the market becomes crucial, because whales earned their titles for their abilities, their funds are their trophies.