Litecoin (LTC) is one of the most #popular and used cryptocurrencies in the world.

Launched in 2011 by Charles Lee, #LTC was created as an improvement on #Bitcoin , with a focus on transaction speed and lower transaction costs.

The main advantage of LTC is the speed of block processing. It uses Scrypt's Proof-of-Work (#PoW ) algorithm, which allows new blocks to be generated every 2.5 minutes (compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes).

❗This makes Litecoin faster and more efficient for transactions.

Like most cryptocurrencies, LTC can be used as a means of payment in various online stores and services. In addition, it is a popular asset for trading on exchanges and can be used as an investment tool.

📈 Thanks to its advantages and active development, Litecoin continues to attract the attention of both veterans of the crypto world and newcomers.