RWA tokens backed by Blackrock have 100x upside.

But tokens haven't been announced yet...

Many will make millions by buying them before announcement.

So, I've scanned 300+ RWA tokens...

Here is ur key to 100x: top 5 likely Blackrock picks 👇

But before we start...

I often share 100x gems absolutely for free (It would be generous of u to tip), so make sure to follow and share the article so you won't lose it and future articles later.

Blackrock recently announced the launch of the first Tokenized Fund on ETH, sparking support for tokenization among various financial institutions.

MC of Real World Assets is projected to reach $16 trillion by 2030, indicating massive potential with tokens poised for growth.

As primary infrastructure provider, Blackrock selected Coinbase.

This positions @BlackRock and @coinbase to lead RWA market, underscoring massive upside potential.

Now let's track them and find the tokens they are most likely to have invested in:

With the assistance of @ArkhamIntel (not a promo, just used that tool), I explored Blackrock portfolio to identify RWA tokens they are holding.

These are just their public wallets, and they hold all these tokens in small amounts, So it's not 100%, but here're their RWA holdings:

1/➮ $UBXS l @Bixosinc

✰ UBXS transforms property ownership with Web 3.0 and tokenomics, offering unique finance models and trading for real-world assets

✧ MC: $23,8M

✧ FDV: $42,8M

2/➮ $RIO l @realio_network

✰ Realio is a digital issuance, investment, and P2P platform, utilizing a distinct distributed network to connect ecosystems. It acts as complete ecosystem for RWA

✧ MC: idk

✧ FDV: $161M

3/➮ $LNDX l @landxfinance

✰ It enables farmers to access capital in the DeFi ecosystem. In return, they provide steady payments in crop shares, backed by their valuable farmland

✧ MC: $18M

✧ FDV: $214M

4/➮ $SKEY l @SkeyNetwork

✰ Skey Network is an independent blockchain that enables the creation of versatile products, services, and user-friendly applications while ensuring cryptographic security.

✧ MC: $15,8M

✧ FDV: $55,8M

5/➮ $FXS l @fraxfinance

✰ Frax operates on the LSD protocol, and has recently introduced its subprotocol, FRAX v3, which is said to employ an RWA strategy.

✧ MC: $608,9M

✧ FDV: $770,2M

That's the end of the tokens in their public wallets, but these 5 tokens also have good potential:

✧ Have a relatively large market cap (which is important for the size of Blackrock)

✧ Haven't pumped too much yet, performing well in the market and have good tech $BTC $ETH $BNB