After more than 10 years experience investing and being around to witness crypto cycles, I’m going to introduce how this market plays with the human mind.

1. You hear crypto on the news/internet or from a friend/relative.

You see it on adverts, the news, friends and family start talking about it. Bob, who’s been your neighbor for 20 years that you’ve never spoken to before, starts to talk about bitcoin. You research on youtube to find a 16 year old saying he’s made millions, ‘’Use my link below to sign up to this exchange’’ And then…

2. FOMO in at the wrong time because you see everyone making money.

You figure out how to get through the stressful part of making an account, doing KYC and adding a bank card. You transfer some $ and buy some shit coins that you saw the 16 year old shilling whilst telling yourself that you’re going to be a millionaire. And then…

3. You see the market dip so you panic sell at a loss.

The market starts to take a dip, you see your $ dropping. You are scared at the fact you’re losing money. You start to panic. You sell all of your tokens at a 10% loss and cash out. And then…

4. Rebuy at a higher price as the market rises.

You look back at the charts and see everything is rising. OMG! I need to get back in, we are going to the moon. You put all of your money back in at a higher price. This time you tell yourself, ‘’I’m going to hold’’ And then…

5. Institutional investors decide they want to take their $Billions in profit.

CRASH, the market gets destroyed, the big boys take their profits. You’re down once again, only this time it’s 80%-90%. And then…

 6. You lose all of your money and give up.

You wonder why you are poor instead of rich.

You sell your tokens and cash out your remaining $3.89, go to the pub, slurp on a half pint of shandy whilst thinking to yourself, what did I do wrong. And then…


1. The opposite to what the non-experienced investors do.


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